z Cottage by the Sea : End of the Day
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, August 27, 2012

End of the Day

Days end and the sky almost seemed glassy.
Torrential downpours today that flooded the ponds over their banks and had the back bay areas way over the roads for a bit.
Our temp today was just a few degrees lower than Miami and 94% humidity just like they were. Ugh.

But fall is already in the air.


  1. Happy Tuesday Annie,
    I hope you aren't getting any of that storm that is hitting Florida. I believe it is down the coast heading for New Orleans. Sorry for all the humidity :( I wilt in it that is for sure. Hope you have a lovely Tuesday.By the way have you moves yet into your new place?? I don't remember the move but remember the decorating.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. Happy Tuesday Annie;

    Even with the glassy looking sky, your day's end photo is a great one. We didn't get your heavy rains, just a little mist early this morning. The weather has been great and it looks like the rest of the week will be the same. That storm down south is basically a depression now. Have a great day ahead my friend. ;-}

  3. Beautiful picture. Two questions: What happens to your fish when the ponds overflow? Next..computer question. What is a favicon on Blogger?

  4. Hi Annie! Clouds always make a sky look so pretty! I just started watching Revenge (bought 1st season DVD) and I'm really enjoying the locale which is supposed to be The Hamptons but I guess it's shot in LA with just a few exterior shots in the Hamptons. Happy Labor Day weekend!


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