z Cottage by the Sea : The Last of the Summer Roses
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Last of the Summer Roses

I love this rose. I forget it's name but it has a strong rose scent to it which I like. Its petals are are pink with a hint of yellow at the base giving it a warm glow.

It's one of the prettiest roses I have ever seen.
I grow mini roses around the little pond.. the tiny rose bushes they sell in the super markets. But this is a regular rose bush that struggles in the sandy soil.
I dump fish water on it to help it along which it seems to love.

There are two wild roses that grow like crazy. One on the side of the house and one in the back yard up over an out building.  No stopping them as they are beach roses and love the sandy soil.

Do you grow roses?

And have you seen this old British program? 'The Last of the Summer Wine', a sweet, funny show.
I always connect it with roses in my mind.Not sure why.. summer I suppose.


  1. Hi Annie! Years ago I bought 3 bareroot roses that were roses of the year or something like that... Love, Honor and Cherish. I also have Jacob's Coat which is so great because there are different colored roses on the same bush. Hugely popular here are white Iceberg roses- they bloom like crazy and are so showy. I'm sure I've posted photos of most of my roses at one time or another. That's a lovely pink/yellow rose and I like strongly scented roses, too. Enjoy the week ahead! (((Hugz)))

  2. so pretty - maybe next year I will attempt to grow roses in my yard? we'll see!!

  3. Hi Annie,
    I love roses. My favorite are Sterling Silver which are pink :))I love those also of course I love pink! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Hugs, Dru

  4. I love all of the old Brit comedies..Lovely roses! No roses in my garden ( I hate the earwigs that love them so much giggle)But I do think they are lovely. My husband likes them too. Perhaps next spring I will plant a bush or two. xo

  5. I believe that is a Peace rose. I had some at my old house. They are so pretty.


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