z Cottage by the Sea : Tuesday Doings
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Tuesday Doings

The weather here has been in the 60's and seemed more like Spring with rain each day.
Today a bit of rain this morning and now some sun with temps more in the 50s. I find
this ominous because maybe it means the rest of the winter will be freezing cold! No, I won't put up with it. But, I don't care for the too warm winters either.

I had a little get together for food and goodies with the kids Saturday night and that was nice.

Tomorrow I am staying home with the littlest one while everyone else goes to the Famous Anonymous Kid's birthday bash for her friends. It is just a little get together after her birthday really for her friends and a chance to devour red velvet cupcakes by the dozens.
My three girls

This photo is a few years back, but one of my favorites of my 3 girls.
The baby is in pre school now and has  blonde curly hair way down her back.
All of us were baldies for a long time as babies.
All 3 opt for very long hair now.
Me? I   chop it off .
PS.. it is impossible to get the boy to pose for photos. Nope.. no way, never.


  1. Hi Annie,
    Great getting to see pictures of your 3 girls. The boy won't let you take a picture?? Paul and Justin were always easy to take pictures of even if they were not thrilled with it they would comply :) Happy to hear your weather hasn't been too cold. Justin and Paul were both baldies then very blonde. Hope you enjoy your time with the littlest one tomorrow. Hugs, Dru

  2. Ditto to what Dru said- nice to see your girls! Happy Birthday to the FAK! I think it's a lovely smile! :) We have a cold storm coming Wednesday night and snow is expected down to the 3500 foot level so we will have snow in our local ski resorts and the mountains surrounding us will be coated. Will make it seem more festive! We had a transformer blow today and had a powwer outage for an hour and thought of you and NJ and how awful it must be to lose power for so long! (((Hugz)))

  3. Great to see a photo of your girls, Annie. So precious :)
    Enjoy the warm weather, have a happy 12.12.12 ahead, and sweet dreams!

  4. Hi Annie! Happy 12-12-12 :) Love the pictures of your girls. Nice that that fak gets two birthday parties. :) The weather has been so depressing and not making it at all feel like the holidays. Hope you have a wonderful Wednesday. hugs

  5. Hi Annie, I am lost at who the FAK is? Is the girl on the left your daughter and the other two her kids or are they all yours? I have 3 kids. Andrew is 31, Daniel is 29 and Renee is 23. Andrew if the dad to Audrina, the little one I watch every day. Renee is the mom to the other two. I am about an hour away from Darylynn, so we get the same weather. Have a great week. Hugs

  6. What cute girls, Annie. I had long hair at one time but short is so much easier to deal with! Hope you don't have too cold a winter. It's been a bit unseasonably warm here in Florida too but we are getting a cold front.

  7. Love the picture. Your blog page is looking so wonderful too might I add! I am going out today and the weather is too warm for this time of year. I don't like the way our weather was last year and seems to be going this year. BUT..worry does no good so what will be will be..right?

  8. Hope you are having a lovely Sunday, Annie. :)

  9. Your *Crock Pot Hungarian Goulash* sounds so yummy, btw!

  10. Hi Annie,

    What a lovely photo! It's been a mild winter here, so far, as well. Snow is in the forecast for Christmas Eve and Chistmas Day, though :) Looks so pretty in here, I love the graphics. Wishing you a lovely week ahead. ((hugs))


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