z Cottage by the Sea : A Cold Day by the Bay.....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Cold Day by the Bay.....

Even frigid winds do not deter seagulls. After all they have to eat and the sea is their food store.
I caught this fellow with my camera as he was gliding by.
I made a photo I took last summer into a motivational poster at Big Huge Labs, below.
The Pond in Summer

   Keep warm and happy.
It may snow here tomorrow.
We will see..........


  1. Happy Friday Annie,
    Lovely picture of the seagull! I love your picture poster also :) Stay warm and have a great weekend. Hugs, Dru

  2. Hi Annie! Happy Friday, it's going to start snowing here any minute now. I love your poster and it's so true! I hope you have a great weekend and keep warm! Hugs


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