z Cottage by the Sea : Happy Week's End
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Week's End

Robert Addison, realist 
I grew up in a neighborhood like this in a narrow Victorian house that sat alone on a hill in the corner of an "L" shaped street. From its windows and front porch you could see the neighborhood looking much like this in two directions.

I would love to paint this way. I am practicing!
Have a wonderful weekend.



  1. Hi Annie,
    I have always loved Victorian homes. I have a friend that lives in one right below the famous Hollywood sign on Beachwood Drive. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Dru

  2. Hi Annie! I too have always loved Victorian homes. I am love with the porches on them and the windows. I love that painting! Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs

  3. I haven't seen anything yet that you couldn't paint. The only thing I can paint is a flat wall.

  4. Hi Annie! We often visit our friends who live in Oxnard (just 1/2 hour away) and they have many Victorian homes there as well as really interesting Craftsman homes. I often thought it would be fun to renovate one. Good to hear you are keeping busy reading and painting! (((Hugz)))

  5. Hi Annie,
    I love this picture. Victorian home have always been a favorite of mine.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. We had neighborhoods like that too in parts of the Bronx. Not in my part though. Mine was a neighborhood but no Victorian houses to be seen. Wish I could live there right now. I find my area wanting and depressing. Annie I believe you can paint anything you put your mind too. By the way, I love your new header. Have a blessed day ahead dear friend. Hugs

  7. Annie, I just love to visit here! It is always so refeshing! The painting is gorgeous! Have a lovely day.

  8. I have always loved Victorian houses too. :)
    This is a gorgeous painting, I'd love to paint like that, oh yes! :D


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