z Cottage by the Sea : Rainy Night
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rainy Night

Charles Burchfield's Rainy Night

More wind forecast for tomorrow but tonight is a blowin' up a gale .
The pines and cedars in the woods around me are howling  and the bay is tumbling all over itself  getting itself in quite a lather as the wind whips up whitecaps and waves.
How much it seems like an early spring or late autumn night outside.
Everything glistens with rain and the  howling winds  are shaking the tops of the pines.
I enjoy noisy weather.  Thunder, the rain on roof tops and the rush of the wind can be comforting if you are inside and exhilarating if you are outside.

The painting is by Charles Burchfield , around 1930 or so. I use it often as a desktop for my computer because I like this type of art quite a lot.
There is a complete story here and you can make it whatever you wish but it evokes feeling and I enjoy that.
The picture is enlargeable if you would care to see it in more detail.
What kind of weather do you like? What about art? Does this picture tell you a story and if so, what is it about?


  1. Hi Annie:

    I love that painting by Charles Burchfield. I'll have to feature him on my blog one day.
    The wind and rain haven't reached here yet. It was supposed to by this evening. I too enjoy thunder, the rain on roof tops and the rush of the wind. I love looking at it through my windows. Hopefully the strong winds won't knock out my power. Weather forecast says it might.
    Have a lovely evening. Hugs

  2. Hi, Annie. I find that "rain" paintings are very soothing. This one is wonderful! I enjoy raining weather anyway. Hope you're weather isn't too severe or you have any power outages. I always enjoy your sharing of paintings. Have a lovely day.

  3. Hi Annie! I LOVE that painting! There's something about that just speaks to me. The rain was horrible here last night and now the winds. Crazy weather. Hope you have a wonderful Thursday. Hugs

  4. Horrible weather here, -43C with the windchill. This month has been brutal!!

  5. Just passing by to wish you a wonderful Super Bowl weekend, Annie! Hugs.


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