z Cottage by the Sea : Thankful
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Blogger has been acting up a bit making posting very hard for a couple of days.
 I received a birthday gift from my daughter that just floored me. An original oil painting by one of my favorite modern artists, Leonid Afremov.
His website is here.
It is a beauty of central park and is quite large at 40 inches long.  She had it framed nicely and what a statement it makes on the living room wall and how I love looking at it.
My spine makes standing still enough for photos difficult sometimes so its a bit blurry.
You can Google images of his work and here is a link to a clearer view of this painting.
I just love it.
Afremov is different and  I love his view of the world.     It is like a confetti celebration of life.
My other favorites are Kristin Nelson, Ricky Nelsons former wife who does primitive paintings, Mary Petty and my all time favorite is Edouard Cortes.  Cortes is out of my financial range to ever own but I am content to gaze from afar and wish I could do anything nearly as well.
This is a birthday week for my family.  My daughter and I are older. The Famous Anonymous will be a year older this coming week as well.  So many holidays and celebrations crammed into one season.

I hope Thanksgiving is special for everyone. That one word, 'thanksgiving', holds so much meaning.
 We have so much to be thankful for even in rough times, even in the face of trials and tribulations we are still greatly blessed.  And, in their own way, even our trials and tribulations are a blessing because they turn our hearts back to God, our Rock of Ages, and isn't that where they belong? 

I wish for all of you health and happy times in this season of thanksgiving.

By the way, do you have favorite artists and if so what do you like about their art?


  1. Hi Annie;

    I too had problems with Chrome, my email and Blogger most of the day. I think because so many are online shopping or just online, everything is running slow.

    The painting is absolutely beautiful. I must check out his link. A Happy birthday to both you and your daughter dear friend. Have a blessed early Hanukkah and a happy Thanksgiving my friend. May both holidays be a blessed, joyful one full of family dear Annie. I'm so thankful I know you even though only online. Hugs

  2. Lovely art, wow.
    Happy birthday to both you and your daughter! :)
    Have a lovely Thanksgiving and Chag Urim Sameach, Annie. xo

  3. Happy Birthday Annie and to your daughter and the rest celebrating! That is a pretty picture. Do you have a place to hang it? I take a lot of pictures down to put up Christmas decorations.
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving! Hugs

  4. Wow! Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving! Hugz!

  5. Happy Birthday and Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you have a wonderful day with your family. (((Hugs)))

  6. I love the Painting, Annie. What a lovely gift!!
    Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. Lovely painting, Annie! So colorful. I imagine you smile everytime you look at it. Happy belated birthday. Hope your Thankgiving was special.

  8. Hi Annie. A belated Happy Birthday Annie!! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Happy December. Hugs, Dru

  9. Hi Annie! What a lovely painting... so similar in style to Tracy's paintings with the vibrant colors! A beautiful gift! Happy Birthday to you, your daughter and granddaughter! Happy Hanukkah and Happy December! (((Hugz)))


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