z Cottage by the Sea : Warning!! Stop Posting your Phone Photos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Warning!! Stop Posting your Phone Photos

You need to take this seriously friends.


  1. Hi Annie! I've known about this for a while. It's simple enough to fix. :) Hope you're doing well and keeping warm. Looks like we have a nice little warm up coming this weekend. Speaking of weekends, have a great weekend! Hugs!

  2. Hi Annie, I am not worried if people see where I took my pictures and where I am at BUT if anyone else is worried all they have to do is disable their GPS in their phone. All fixed :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay warm. Hugs, Dru

  3. Hi Annie; Thank goodness I don't do phone photos. Found a little time to do some surfing and post an entry. Last one until February. Have a lovely rest of the weekend my friend. Hugs

  4. Hi Annie! I usually send my phone photos to my email and upload from my computer but I did listen to the video and disabled the GPS on the camera part. I already had it disabled for FB. I remember seeing a story about Video baby monitors and how bad guys could drive up and down streets and see babies sleeping in the cribs- freaked me out so I insisted on a non-video baby monitor for the boys! Have a good week ahead! (((Hugz)))

  5. OMG who knew? I don't have a smart phone but I just an ipad that I may take pictures with so this sure is good info. Thanks for sharing! Hugz!


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