Friday, March 28, 2014

Blogger and Gardening

Rhododendrens in front of my house in full bloom last Spring
No matter what I did I could not get Blogger to keep my password right and have had a terrible time logging in all week.
  Actually, I just really couldn't get into my blog at all. Here I am at now though.

Today is overcast and 63F after a cold and snowy week.  We might have rain but it is definitely forecast for the rest of the weekend.

 Most of the snow is gone now except in the shadiest of places and it was just a normal spring change-a-roo.
 Spring is notorious for changing her mind on a whim isn't she? I can recall snow flurries as late as the middle of April.
 Soon the planting will begin, though I will have to have it done for me as I can't do things like that anymore. I do have plans though and hope I can get help to do it all. After all this time indoors I just need a garden to escape to for the summer.
 I need the ponds looking good too. It would be such a lift to my spirit. I have large, and I mean huge overgrown pink rhododendrons to remove under the front bedroom windows of the house. They must be replaced too as they just grow extremely wide. They will cover the house if they aren't removed. Though I will miss the blossoms, there isnt any other way.
The pruning would be ridiculous and the bushes have pushed their way out 1/3 of the way across my large front yard.  Blossoming bushes are hard to trim correctly so that they look nice I think.

 PT is going great. I've been going since fall and hope to go all summer as well. I really do need it and am getting muscles!! Seriously, my legs were spindles and now they have calf muscle again and I am strong. My arms are getting strong as well. I love doing the exercises but they are not easy. Still when you were in a wheelchair for a while it is awesome to do anything while walking or standing up straight. I am thrilled. Each time I walk I get thrilled again. I am so grateful to be better now.

Rain is predicted for the weekend, but warmer temperatures.
Whatever your weather, I hope it is a lovely, refreshing weekend for you.
I will be back Saturday night or Sunday with another post and I will have a new meme on Monday.
PS.. decided to do Toni's coffee quiz (pretty accurate for me too):
You Are a Cappuccino
You're fun, outgoing, and you love to try anything new.
However, you tend to have strong opinions on what you like.
You are a total girly girly at heart - and prefer your coffee with good conversation.
You're the type that seems complex to outsiders, but in reality, you are easy to please

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Spring Is Just About Here---

Jack in the Pulpit
The mystery flower is exactly as Toni said, the Jack in the Pulpit!
They grow wild in the woods.
Today at 12:57 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time is the Vernal Equinox and the start of Spring. So Happy Spring everyone.
May it be a lovely season for everyone. We could use it!

In honor of the day I am posting an organ piece by Percy Fletcher called  'Fountain Reverie', as performed by the great Diane Bish.
I heard this song regularly as I was growing up with my grandmother who was an organist and piano teacher. She was hired to play in many places throughout the years and had quite a great reputation on grand pipe organs.
I would watch her feet fly across the pedals and that was how I learned to play myself.
I think my grandest experience, however, was going inside the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, an acoustically perfect, hand built building for meetings, which houses the gorgeous organ there and the wonderful Tabernacle choir. What an experience. No one could have stopped me from going inside to hear it on a regular basis, which I did.

I am off to PT this morning. I hope you enjoy this song that really does lead a person into deep reverie and to me speaks to the hope and promise that comes with spring. It is one of my favorites.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Is a Puzzlement!

Here is something fun. Try to figure this out:

 It is a boy's nickname, a preposition, an article, and a part of a church and the name of a flower. Can you guess?

I will post the answer tomorrow.

Warmer here today but cloudy and might rain.  I see signs of spring everywhere.   Daffodils and
Hyacinth are pushing up. Violets are turning green... I love them and can't wait.
Violets via
I want to plant some Devon  violets, the ones that really have the strong scent to them.
Any gardening indoor or outside on your list of things to do?

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Day in Your

March has come in like a lion but will it go out like a lamb? We will see.

 Internet has been very slow- dial up slow!- and very spotty. Everyone in the area is complaining but they do nothing. Of course if you are late with a payment they pay attention don't they?

 We had snow last night and got around 4 inches of the powdery stuff.    When we get larger amounts of snow it always comes up from the south by way of Maryland and Delaware.  Our weather is a bit different than North Jersey.
Skies are whitish gray and temperatures have fallen again, a reminder that winter is still here.

Here is the meme for this week. I hope you all join in and enjoy doing it.  They are a perfect way to get to know other bloggers.
By the way if you have any ideas for memes of questions that you wonder about, let me know!

A Day in Your Life...

1. What time of day do you usually get up?
2. Do you greet the day with coffee or tea?
3.Do you hit the deck running or does it take you a while to get going?
4. Do you eat breakfast?
5. What is your typical breakfast food?
6. Sunny days or quiet rainy days?
7. A Job or stay at home?
8. What's for lunch?
9. Any daytime TV? What do you like to see?
10. Do you sit outside to have tea or coffee sometime during the day if the weather is nice?

my answers:
1. any time between 5:30 and 7:00 AM
2. usually coffee unless I have a cold, then tea, and right now I have a cold. Yuk.
3. Running but still takes me time to really get going properly.
4.If I am going out, yes.
5. I will have a fried or boiled egg.
6.I like both. They have their place. Sometimes the rest you can find on a quiet rainy day is unbeatable and very relaxing.
7. Stay at home right now. I used to work several jobs at once outside. Now I work at home.
8.Salad usually.
9.Used to watch Days of Our Lives, sometimes still do and I like Bachelor Father on  Antenna TV
    I like the old programs that are on cable too like Name of the Game, I Spy, etc.
10.Yes in warmer weather I do that.  I sit by the pond or go sit by the bay with a nice cup of coffee.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Wednesday Doings

Busy week with physical therapy, opthamologist this morning, ordering eye glasses and prescription sunglasses(I am near sighted). Having light eyes I find that I need sunglasses even in winter and it will be nice to have them with prescription lenses in them now.
My daughter got me a new computer also and we've been setting it up this week also. I have yet to transfer a few things but perhaps this weekend. I dislike Windows 8.1 and find it inconvenient. I hope that they come up with something far nicer.
 In the meantime temperatures are up in the 60's for the past few days.
 Today is windy and a little bit of rain falling as I write.
While I waited for my eyes to dilate and the anesthesia drops to work (they were looking at my optic nerve) I watched the flag out front just whipping around wildly in the wind.
 I know that the gale warning flags are all up today.
 New spring growth is pushing up through the earth and spring seems closer than ever now. I do hope it brings normal weather.
I am just finishing up a third round of physical therapy with more recommended. My last visit is tomorrow morning. I am getting so strong and I love it. How has your week been?

Friday, March 7, 2014

End of the Week and a Nomination

Sorry to be missing in action but time got away from me during a very busy week.
 Each time I tried to blog something else demanded attention.
Since I love blogging, I felt bad about it.
I love blogging and refuse to let it go by the wayside.   I feel it is a very valuable thing both for the diary aspect and for the friendships.

 Dany has nominated me to be part of this assignment and then I am to nominate others from blogs with less than 200 followers.

 Here are the rules: Re-link and thank the blogger and the blog of the person who made the nomination. · Answer the ten questions posed by those who have appointed you.
 · Appoint ten other blogs with less than 200 followers.
 · Propose ten new questions.
 · Go in individual blogs and inform them of the appointment.

 Thank you Dany! Now to the questions and my answers:

 1 - The first book you've been in love with.

2 - The moment of your day that you love.
Early morning with my cup of tea and reading the news of the day.
3 - Your dream.
To become a better person and to have all that the locusts have eaten restored.(
Joel 2)

4 - Which character from film or novel you feel most like?
Elizabeth Bennet perhaps

5 - The journey that you've never done .

To Pompei. I would very much like to go.
To visit the home of my great grandparents in Ireland and Wales.

6 - If I had to re-write the ending of a novel which one would you choose and how would you change it?
The ending of A Painted House by John Grisham.  I would not have them leave the farm.

7 - At what age would you like to live?
I would like to try the 1890's but I would be very happy in the 1950's.

8 - Your favorite fairy tale .
The Land of Green Ginger

9 - Which title would you give to your novel?
"This Far Without You"

10 - Your favorite literary genre .
History and Mystery

Now I nominate ToniKim and Susan!     I would really love to see your answers to these same questions.
I think Dany came up with great questions for this so I am asking you to do the same ones or, if you like and as the rules ask, come up with 10 of your own when you ask others.

Have a happy weekend friends.