z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Meme: Weddings
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday Meme: Weddings

Internet has been too slow to do much of anything with it and I and others around me wondered why.
 Finally, on a television program I learned that cable companies deliberately slow down your service in an effort to get you to sign up for 'faster' internet.
 I was waiting so long for pages to load and then losing service about every 10 minutes or so for the longest time.
 Other neighbors complained as well but they service provider claimed they had no clue. Now I know they may well do it on purpose!

 Here are 6 questions about weddings as May/June are the wedding months.
 Many marry in May to take advantage of having photos taken in lush public gardens blooming with trees and flowers.
Public parks and gardens are popular in spring and summer for weddings, such as the Shakespeare Garden in Central Park in New York City.

Shakespeare Garden, New York City( photo via)

 1. Big weddings or small?
 2. Formal/informal?
 3. Big sit down dinner or finger foods and cake?
 4. Morning/afternoon/evening?
 5. Large wedding party/small wedding party?
 6. Ideal place to spend a honeymoon?
 7. Live music or recorded?

My answers on Monday. I have special plans this weekend and will tell you about it next week.
What do you have planned?

Until then,   I hope you have a glorious weekend.


  1. What a pretty place for a wedding! It is the time of year......hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Hi Annie; I've been really lazy this past week when it came to blogging. I'm not having the problems you are having with slow internet service. Maybe the fact that I live in a small town with 2500 residents makes a difference as the cable company here is run by local and old time family residents.
    Love the Shakespeare Garden photo. It's a pretty place. Haven't been to a weeding in years myself. Hugs

  3. That was supposed to read "Wedding" not weeding.. LOL!! Some day my brain will catch up with my fingers..

  4. I've noticed that my computer seems slower lately and I've been wondering about my cable connection. I wouldn't put it past the cable companies doing this!
    Great meme. I'll do it later today. I love weddings but haven't been to one in ages.

  5. Well..Monday...where are you? I posted my answers. I love the picture on here of the Shakespeare Garden


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