z Cottage by the Sea : Rosey Days at the Bay
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, May 30, 2014

Rosey Days at the Bay

Beach roses are beginning to bloom now.
They are so pretty in shades of deep pink and white.  I have two huge old plants growing on the side of my house both with white flowers.
The photo shows a deep pink close by the water.
The  rose hips that appear in autumn make wonderful jam or jelly filled with vitamin C.
I have never made any but I am thinking it might be a nice idea.

I got to see the new movie Godzilla . I had waited for months.
The story is  a good one but don't expect much from 3D as it was not very good.  If you see it, see it in regular film and save the expense of 3D.
I had seen A Christmas Carol in 3D just for the experience of seeing new 3D and Dickens is one of my favorite authors.       That 3D was simply great as things came out over the audience!  People actually ducked as we were going under the Scrooge and Marley sign!
Godzilla's 3D was not like that at all.

 My chicken soup is made for this evening and food for tomorrow is also cooking  and my work for the week is done. 

From my backyard to yours..... I hope you have a wonderful and refreshing weekend.

Roses by the bay


  1. Beautiful! I love rose hip jam...yum. Enjoy your weekend !

  2. What a beautiful view from your back yard! I am truly jealous! I have never seen a film in 3D - at least not full length films. I would have enjoyed seeing "A Christmas Carol" in 3D. That is my favorite Christmas story and I have several film versions and the book as well. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs

  3. That is a beautiful picture and its yours! How great is that? Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy life to the fullest. I know I plan on that.

  4. Home made rose hip jam is so yummy! :) Beautiful view! Enjoy your day, Annie.

  5. Hi Annie; I very rarely go to see films in 3D anymore as most are that good. I went to see Spiderman 2 and the latest Captain America both in 2D and I enjoyed it. I'm looking forward to seeing Godzilla as the trailer looks great.
    That's a lovely photo of Roses at the Bay. I just started a new meme calledc "Tuesday 4 meme consisting of 4 questions each week. The url is http://tuesday4meme.blogspot.com I hope you join in. Have a lovely day ahead my friend. Hugs

  6. In the hope your weekend has been wonderful among your sweet roses ( I love rose jam !) I'm sending you a warm hug talking to you of all my fondness. xoxox


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