z Cottage by the Sea : Simple Woman's Day Book
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, May 9, 2014

Simple Woman's Day Book

Daybook link

For Today:

Outside my window... The day is drawing to a close. It is cloudy,sort of foggy, cool and pleasant. I can hear a woodpecker working on getting his dinner.

 I am thinking...About how short the day really was today and things I still want to finish.

 I am thankful...for my little house and my dear pal Garfield.

 In the kitchen...The scent of food cooking for tonight  and tomorrow's meals.

 I am wearing... a brown and white pull over top and my moccasins as usual in the house.

 I am creating...Hopefully a garden I am going...to see a play next week.

 I am reading...Robert Parker Spenser novel  "Now and Then", Mesillat Yesharim for the millionth time!.

 I am looking forward to...my girls coming over in a few minutes

 I am learning to be patient and hopeful.

Around the house...things are neat and clean.  There is a fresh springtime scent in the house.

 One of my favorite things...The sound of peepers (very tiny frogs) in the spring. There are thousands of them now.

 A few plans for the rest of the week: physical therapy as usual. Reschedule ophthamologist appointment.
Family dinner on  Sunday.

A peek into my day...


  1. Good morning Annie and a Happy Mother's Day Weekend to you! Hope it's a glorious one! Hugz!

  2. Enjoyed your answers, Annie. I have those little frogs at my house too. They are tiny but have such a loud voice!. Happy Mother's Day.

  3. It's always such a great pleasure to come and visit you, my dear, to read your lovely words for feeling you so near even if there's an ocean between us !!
    Thank you and Happy Mother's Day sweet Annie <3

  4. Beautiful answers. Have a lovely Mother's Day! xo

  5. Hi Annie! Hope you had a lovely Mother's day!


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