z Cottage by the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, June 23, 2014

Lazy days are made for napping on comfy beds.
An occasional stretch  or a roll around  is the only activity on such days.

Paws are made for blocking too much sun light.
Soft  fluffy comforters are made for lovely afternoons when window breezes gently ruffle your fur.

Garfield is enjoying the temperate summer weather and celebrating with a bit of a snooze.
Hard work being a cat who is 19 years old.
A Passing Storm has been updated with an old painting.
What's going on at your house today? 


  1. Cute photo! I didn't realize Garfield was such an elderly gentleman. He certainly looks comfy.

  2. Love that photo of Garfiled. Hard to believe he's 19 years old. I visited your Passing Storm page and loved all the updated paintings and photos. You are truly a talented artist. I love your new header too. Have a lovely day ahead my friend. Hugs

  3. Oh what a cute picture of Garfield!! I love it. Have a great day!! ((BIG HUGS))!! ♥


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