z Cottage by the Sea : Magazine Covers, Questions, Blog Tours
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 27, 2014

Magazine Covers, Questions, Blog Tours

Friday is here and it came far too fast for my liking.
 Time is going too fast.

I am joining in Toni's question and answer and here are my responses.
"magazine cover" I made in 2008
 Unconscious Mutterings
 1.Closed :: mind
2.Tourists :: Traffic!!!!
 3.Footsteps :: in the dark
 4.Ginger :: Snaps
 5.Way :: to go!
 6.Designer :: clothing
 7.Mattress :: Sleepy's
 8.Disaster :: in the making
 9.Chips :: and dips
10.Campaign ::chest


photo of my small pond
I made these magazine covers in 2008 from an idea I saw somewhere but can't recall now where.  I made some for myself and some for others . Mine are created using my own personal photos.

 Why don't you try doing one yourself?

They are fairly easy and a cute way to display your photos.

Imagine one of your photos framed like this and on your wall?       I think it would be adorable and I think I will take my own idea and do just that!

buffet table photo

 They really are fun to make.  I just used  my personal photos as  backgrounds and then added the print in Photoshop.

You can click these to make them full sized and easier to see.  

The Virtual Blog Tour is in full swing.
I have emailed a few people but only received a few responses so far. 
 If you would like to join in, let me know. I need 2 more people for it to work properly.
I think its a wonderful idea and a boost for blogging and getting you new friends!
It is a good way to keep blogging alive.
My post goes up on June 30th and the people who respond should have their posts up by July 7th.

In the meantime, have a wonderful weekend.


  1. Hi Annie, I love your magizine covers. They are so original. I will participate in the Virtual Blog Tour but I can't get 3 bloggers to join in. So if it's alright and you still want me, let me know. I enjoyed your answers to the UM meme.

    Bio needed if I can join in w/o 3 bloggers, if not, it's okay: Born in the Bronx, now living in upstate NY in the town of Germantown, Columbia County. I'm a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, friend, a coffee lover, poet, graphic artist and blogging since 1995.

    Have a lovely weekend my friend. Hugs

  2. The magazine covers are so cute! What an interesting idea. I really love your new header too. I'm already for your virtual blog tour. I hope I can find three friends who want to join in. Excited to see your post on the 30th! Have a lovely weekend.

  3. Annie ... I just dropped by once again to say you're still an amazingly awesome artist my friend.

    1. Thank you so much Carl. I do appreciate the encouragement.

  4. What a great idea, Annie! Your small pond is really nice looking! I'm hoping to be able to put a small pond in this year.


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