z Cottage by the Sea : Summertime on the Bay
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, July 7, 2014

Summertime on the Bay

enjoying the cove

Summer is in full swing and another July4th has slipped into history.
Sunday was spent ordering people around while they drained and cleaned out the front pond. I really believed all the fish in it were goners from the winter but , no, there were a few lovely white and a couple of orange fish in it and a passel of babies! 
 No matter what I do I cannot stop having fish breed.
 Others can't get them to and I can't make them stop! 

The cost to fix our little park on the bay is up in the multiple millions and so, since hurricane Sandy, nothing has been repaired except the bridge.
 I believe they will leave it in a more  natural state now with some natural style barriers  to keep back big waves and tide surges.
Generations have fished and crabbed here on the little pier that jutted out into the bay.
It is wrecked now.
It is a lovely place where you can see the barrier islands across the way and the giant lighthouse.
We swim there, picnic there, sit there and have coffee, pray, play games, enjoy and relax.

Our neighborhood is not rich. There are no fancy vacations here.  There are instead, days spent on the bay or the barrier islands on the beach enjoying the surf and sand. Yes, even in the cold days of winter though there are woods to tramp through as well.
Seaside people are diehards and our kids know every inch of the woods and the bay.

 Neighbors here are craftsmen, fishermen,tradesmen of all kinds.  We have carpenters, repairmen, plumbers, fishermen and salesmen. Our ladies stay at home  or work in shops or for the town as officials or office workers.

 We have two places that are nice and  within walking distance. One on the creek in the pine barrens and the other on the bay. A third place is a short boat ride across the bay to our ocean side.
We are hoping our little park will end up even better than ever.
I will post a meme on Wednesday  as the past week was just too full of stuff to do and got away from me.
Oh, and be sure to visit Toni, Melanie and Susan on the Virtual Blog Tour!!


  1. Hi Annie! I loved reading about your town. I can picture it in my mind and it sounds so lovely. How great that your fish are breeding and restocking your pond. :) I do hope that your park will be restored. Sandy broke so many hearts. Hope you had a fantastic Fourth! Lots of hugs.

  2. Reading your post was such a pleasure Annie. Your neighborhood sounds like a perfect place to live and raise families. Reading about fish and pond has given me the urge to buy a small aquarium and a couple of goldfish. I love relaxing and watching them. Like Kim, I hope in time your park will be restored.
    Have a lovely beginning of the week my friend. Hugs

  3. Hi Annie! I really enjoyed your post today. Like Kim, I can picture it in my mind. It sounds like a picture perfect place, & such a family friendly town. It made me want to visit there.

    I blogged today (shock!), & I really do want to stick with it. I so miss my blogging friends. I am excited to see what your meme will be this week, as I want to join in the fun!

    Have a wonderful day Annie. Sending you big hugs!

  4. Annie, your little community sounds wonderful! To me, those are the best places to live. You may never get your park back to what it was pre-Sandy but it will be what you all want it to be. Have a great day!

  5. My dear Annie, I'm persuaded more and more that you're living in one of the best places in the world, enjoy your summer, my sweet friend !
    Have a beautiful day <3
    Sending love xox


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