z Cottage by the Sea : The Question of Blogging

Sunday, August 24, 2014

The Question of Blogging

Summers here at the  New Jersey shore have been hot and humid and far too tropical in the last decade or so.
 This summer, however, things are cooler and the humidity is moderate and lower like it was when I was a child.   It's lovely.
My windows are wide open and the house is just right.
I can hear the boats on the bay, woodpeckers and gulls.  Perfect day.

Beach roses by the bay

So what about blogging?
Proverbs says, "Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body."  It also says, 'From the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips.'   Good words to remember when writing!

 Here are my thoughts on blogging.
To me, blogging is about keeping a record of your days, months, years, significant events and ordinary day to day life.
I feel so sad when people let their blogs go or worse, take them down.  It is a great loss.
An important record and memorial of their life is gone.
Blogging can be a way to let your family and friends know how you are and who you are.
It is a way to share yourself with others, make friends, and learn .
You can stretch out beyond 'self' and let other people into your life.  You can feel with them, empathize with them, show concern, say a prayer for them, encourage and help with your words.

So many people who never comment on a blog read them faithfully and your blog may be important to more than just a few people.
You never know whose life you might touch with words or ideas that to you are mundane and ordinary but to another might be so important.
   It is a form of giving and sharing.
Blogging helps you crystallize thoughts.    You can see your life on paper, as it were, and it can help you see things you never saw before.  It can aid in personal growth and discovery.

Blogging  is a community.   As we blog and share we grow as a community even though we may be far apart or even half a world away.   We become a family and in this divided world I think that is so important.  Bridges are built and differences become unimportant.
  Personally I love to see what others do for cooking, cleaning tips, crafts, ideas, trips, what you are reading, watching, doing.
 I enjoy seeing progress on projects people are engaged in, home improvements, how you solve problems, your vacation photos, your pets, your hobbies, your yard, your life.   I love it all and I think others do as well.
Your life is interesting whether you realize it or not and we human beings relate to one another not just in the big exciting things but in the daily things we all do.
Blogging brings the world into your own backyard in a way that the little blurbs of twitter and Facebook can never do.

What do you think?


  1. Hi Annie! First - I just finished your meme, so please come back & visit when you have the time.

    I LOVED your post today! It reflects so much of what is in my heart. I know I went missing for a long while, & I do regret that. I kept a journal of sorts here, but it's not the same as a blog. Emily & Elliot love for me to show them my posts & pictures. I am keeping memories there & I do love sharing them. And I love reading & sharing in my blogger friends lives. Like you, I love it all...no matter what they share. It joins hearts. I always thought my blog must surely be boring to others, & I'm thankful that you have always encouraged me to keep sharing & thanking me for allowing you to 'peek' into our life. You're an encouragement. Hope you have a lovely weekend Annie. Your opening sentences of this post, made me long to be there & experience it. Hugs!

  2. Annie...I'm sorry, but I noticed you are a Chatterbug student too. I have linked mine at my blog, & I have linked all my 'classmates' on my homework blog. Do you have a link for your homework so that I can link you?? If so, & you don't mind me sharing it, please share it with me. Hugs

  3. Hi Annie, I loved and agree with you post on blogging! I hope more women come back. I really miss Darylynn and Dru and Kacy and Julie and so many we got close to. FB if ok for fun and games, but you don't get realy deep there and it is just not the same. I plan to do your meme this week too. Will have pics from the birthday girl soon too. Happy Sunday. Hugs

  4. Hi Annie, I love your post! I agree about blogging. :) I hope to be more consistent with my blogging and visiting other blogs. Hope you are having a lovely evening. Hugs

  5. Hi Annie! I love this post. :) There have been a lot of post lately about blogging. I've left blogging a few times and have changed blog names countless times (as you know lol) but all of my post are in my new blog. For me personally, I've lost my blogging voice but it's coming back to me. I'm having a great time reading everyone's blogs, I just have to get better at commenting. I'm guilty of reading on a daily bases and not really commenting. Facebook can be just as personal as blogging but things tend to get lost in the jungle of random post. So, for me, I enjoy blogging but I also enjoy FB. :) If that make sense but I do not plan on giving up on blogging. I love my blog family too much. :) Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday! Lots of hugs!

  6. Hi Annie, I just did your meme on vacations. Jazzy's birthday page is up too.

  7. P.S.: just saw your comment at my blog. Temps were around 18 C degrees (about 64 F degrees) that day. The wind was a bit chilly, tho'. The air smelled of hay and wildflowers. :) Well, of cattles and sheep too. ;)
    Have a great Monday! xo

  8. I agree with you about blogging. I've made so many friends around the country and the world that I would not have had - had it not been for blogging. It was like that too with the web sites that used to be so popular. I do enjoy visiting yours! Have a lovely day.

  9. Hi Annie. Another great post from you. I agree. I agree. I agree with everything you said. The only negative is the "have to" visit you if you visit me. We all need to blog w/o obligation & visit because we want to not because we have to. Agree?

  10. Hi Annie; I think you spoke for all bloggers and said it elequently. I'm so happy to see a lot of our friends have started blogging more again. I enjoy my visits to see what my friends are up to and what's new with them. To me my best friends are my blogging friends like you. Have a blessed day ahead dear Annie. Hugs

  11. Stopping by to say hello. I saw your link on Marge's blog. Your site is beautiful. I have many of Caroline's graphics. It brings back memories of my old blog. I totally agree with your views regarding blogs. I have started a new one. I don't know how much I'll blog, but we'll see. Have a great week!

  12. Hi Annie, I agree 100% with what you said. I have started back blogging again, and I am so happy I did! I am also in the ChatterBugs, and I am going to join in your meme, and I did add you under my friends if that is ok. Have a wonderful day. I will be posting a bit later today with your meme and Toni's as well! Hugs!

  13. Happy Tuesday, Annie! Just wanted to say hi and thank you for the meme. It was fun and I enjoyed talking about Traveling. Hope you have a blessed day, my friend! Hugs

  14. Hi Annie, just wanted to let you know I posted with your vacation meme! Great one!

    1. Kathy, can you post your blog address? I tried clicking on "Kathy" but it says profile not available. I would love to visit you.

  15. Thank you my dear Annie for this lovely post, your words are so true and I feel the same, that of bloggers is such a great family, everyone talks about what loves or needs, as sat around a great table, and it's such a wonderful family ours .... of it I think you're the sweetest lady :)

    Have a beautiful day

    P.S. your new header is so much lovely !!!!


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