z Cottage by the Sea : Early American Cooking
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, September 22, 2014

Early American Cooking

When I was looking through the James Townsend and Sons catalog for gloves, ink and flint that I wanted to purchase, I thought that the site might be something I could blog about and share with you.
The ink and flint are for teaching purposes as I want to teach the little ones how to write using  the Palmer method  and the flint is for teaching how to make a camp fire the hard way, just in case.

Girl Scout blogger here!

 Crachit and Scrooge
I like fingerless gloves for working on cold days and for doing my very credible Bob Cratchit impersonation.

No,they don't pay me. They don't know I exist! But I know about them and love the site.
Jas. Townsend and Sons sell items from the 18th century. You know, the 1700's.
I think they are big with people who are historical re-enactors,Revolutionary War buffs, etc.
There is a lot on their site you can use today.
They also do videos about 18th century cooking. Everything is authentic, down to the music they use for them.
Did you know that Colonials of that time invented deep fried onion rings and fried apple pie?
They did!

Here are the onion rings.
Oh yum.

I've written out the recipe for you:
John Mollards Onion Rings

 Onions sliced into  1/2   inch rings
Cooking oil deep enough to fry the rings
3 eggs well beaten
5 T. Cream
dash salt and pinch pepper
1/4 cup flour
4 ounces finely grated Parmesan cheese

Dip the rings into the batter  and then place in the hot oil.
Fry until golden brown on one side, then turn and fry the other side.
Serve with mustard mixed into melted butter or just plain with or without salt.

Happy First Day of Fall!


  1. Hi Annie, I love onion rings but I would rather someone else make them. Once the cooler weather gets here for good, I plan to do more cooking. Enjoy your week. Hugs

  2. What an interesting video! I love the kitchen utensils used. My mother loves onion rings and she would love these. I'll have to check out the site. I like places like that! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Interesting post and video, Annie. :)
    I like the onion rings you have in the US of A, but not the one you can find here in the UK.
    Have a happy Autumn.

  4. Hi Annie. I'll have to check out that site. I frequently watch a colonial cooking site. The name, station and day escape me right now but once I watch it again I'm going send you the info. He cooks on a fireplace fire and has a restaurant in Philadelphia. Would love to go there! Happy day!

  5. Hi Annie! What an interesting video, and the site I just love! Here I thought we invented onion rings, and fried apple pie! Who knew! I love learning things like this! I do love fingerless gloves too! When I was working, it was so cold in our area, I wanted to knit fingerless gloves for myself, being on the computer all day, my hands were frozen! I think I may knit a pair for home, going to look for a pattern! Happy Wednesday!


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