z Cottage by the Sea : Ghostly Answers
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Ghostly Answers

 Welcome  to Tuesday and another of Toni's memes and a new feature: dinner tonight.

#22 Ghostly Tell Tales

1.   Do you believe in ghosts, spirits, or the supernatural?
      Not ghosts,as in the spirits of dead persons.Add caption
  I  do believe there are evil entities  and I believe there are angelic  beings who are   servants of God.
"It was a dark and storm night"

2.   Ever had a supernatural experience?
    Well, spiritual ones, not sure if that qualifies as supernatural.

3.   Favorite horror film?
      I do not like that form of film.  I don't believe it is good to put such things into your mind.
       I like milder forms of films.

4.   Finish this line: Silently I walk in the moonless night _____ ?

      Silently I walk in the moonless night,
       finding my way by a candle's  light.

There is a certain feel to late October that gives rise to  feelings and thoughts that are unlike those of other seasons.
Is it the dark? Perhaps the smell of the leaves?

Maybe the sounds of crows on   dim afternoons or night time sounds as trees shake and winds moan through their branches?

It is a time of Nor'easter storms  and the great New England colors. Maple syrup and hot comforting evening meals.

Whatever it is, these autumn days and nights are invigorating and I hate for them to end.
Dinner tonight:  Turkey patty in sauce I make of ketchup,mustard and roasted peppers, Rice Pilaf and garlic green beans.


  1. I liked your meme answers. I've often thought that if we could see into the spirit world and saw all the angels around, we would be so amazed! Have a great day.

  2. Hi Annie; LOL! I lost my first comment and hope this one takes. I agree with your wonderful answers on the meme and enjoyed your thoughts on late October. You have a great way of expressing your thoughts and feelings my friend. I must say how much I love your Autumn header. You are a terrific artist. Have a blessed day ahead. Hugs


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