z Cottage by the Sea : Excuses, excuses....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Excuses, excuses....

Sorry for lack of posts and visits, but  knots and spasms in my upper back made me miserable for the last few days.
Typing is hard, so taking a break for the last few days.
Back soon!



  1. I read with a little bit of sadness that you're not so well ... you don't have to be worried if you cannot blogging or commenting, just think about your health, for you and your beloved, everything else comes after it !
    Dearie, you don't have to apologize, take care !
    With much much love

  2. Hi Annie, sorry to hear your back is bothering you. Does the cold weather add to it? Praying you get well soon. Hugs

  3. So sorry, Annie! Take good care of yourself! xo

  4. Hi, Annie. Just stopping by to say Hi. I hope your back feels better soon. Take care and stay warm!

  5. I hope you feel better soon Annie, back,pain and spasms are the worst to deal with!

  6. Happy Monday, Annie! Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Take care and stay warm.


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