z Cottage by the Sea : To Marry a Jersey Girl....
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, November 1, 2014

To Marry a Jersey Girl....

One of the advantages of using Blogger is that you can post ahead of time and have it post for you at a chosen time if you are not available, away or busy.

 Saturday is supposed to be chilly and rainy with some snowy wet stuff in north Jersey. Friday is windy and dark with storm clouds gathering.

 To brighten your day, wherever you may be, here is an accurate description of marriage to a Jersey girl!


  1. Oh this was great Annie! Lol. I still have tears in my eyes from laughing! I told my husband this, and he is hysterical too!

  2. Oh my, thank you for the laugh, Annie! Have a wonderful November. xo

  3. Not sure why my first comment came out as anonymous. Happy Monday evening to you.

  4. Ahahah ! So very nice my dear, thank you for this lovely reading :) !
    Have a wonderful new week my sweet Annie, I'm sending hugs

  5. I moral of the story - "Don't cross a Jersey girl!". Very funny!


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