Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Children Who Made America Great

I am re-posting a piece from my other blog, A Passing Storm , though it also appeared here as well.
 I received a comment from one of Lena's family  on the other site and it made me want to re-post this because I see these children as so very important.

Here, then, is that post:

Lena late at night
How is it that we can become so interested in a person just by seeing their face? 
This is a photo of a little girl from Cincinnati Ohio .
I took a section and enlarged it and hand colored it.
This photo of Lena  Loschiavo taken in August of 1908, intrigued me.
11 years old, a bit of our own little darling reflected in her face , she sits smiling in a torn and tattered dress.
Shorpy's site did not have too much information on her except for a caption.
The person taking the photos, Lewis  Wickes Hine was doing so for the sake of research on child labor at the turn of the previous century. Hines was a photographer and sociologist.
Child labor laws were non existent in those days.

I enlarged a bit of the photo and then hand colored this portion of her photo to bring her to life a bit again. She is not finished yet.
Those old photos do very little to show a person's "light" and soul.
From a close up I took from  another photo of her, Lena's eyes appeared light, rather than very dark.
Our own little girl
So using the coloring of my 'famous anonymous kid', who is half Italian, I gave Lena some coloring.

Her eyes may have been blue/green, I used a dark brownish green with violet rings, like the "kid" .
Her skin and lip coloring are also  from the "kid".

Lena LoSchiavo
This is not done with Photoshop tricks but by hand and needs more work, but I was anxious to put it up.     I spent some time on it Friday and will do more as time allows. As you can see the hands are far from done.

At the Shorpy website, which features old photographs, people were discussing how old Lena looked. Well, not now I think.
It was late at night according to the information known about the photo and the poor kid was over tired. 
Also, they were wondering what had become of her. This lovely  eager faced child demands attention  as there is , to me at least , something intriguing about her.
When I find old photos like this I just have to color them.
To see the original photo in high definition you will need to see it on the website. I took this from a smaller photo and enlarged it myself.

It can be hard tracking people down because spellings vary from site to site.
 Immigrants were often misunderstood when telling their names to officials and so there are various spellings used in documents and records.
A name like LoSchiavo can become variously Loshavo, Lochiavo, Lochavo , depending on who heard it and how they wrote it down. Since different languages say the letters of the alphabet differently, asking someone to spell it was not always an option.

If I am correct in my research, Lena was born in 1898 in America to Italian immigrants Charles Loschiavo and his wife Mary Gentile Loschiavo. There were 4 children, Giuseppe who died 9 days old, an unnamed infant who died at birth , another girl, Petrina who was a few years older than Lena and passed way in 1962 at the age of 67.
Petrina Loschiavo seems to have  married John Mercurio.

Note:  I am correct as we have heard from the family of Petrina Mercurio confirming that this is right.
Charles Loschiavo, Lena's father,  passed away at age 34, when Lena was 10 or 11. This may well be why she was selling on the corner to add to  the family income. Mrs. Mary LoSchiavo had lost a son  in February at 9 days old and her husband in July of the same year.

Lena seems to have married Charles Mercurio at age 16 or 17(?) and had a little girl , Terita, who passed away at age 84 in 1999, 11 years after her mother.
Lena, passed away in 1988 at the age of 90.

She and some of her family are buried in the  St Joseph New Cemetery in Cincinnati. I found all this in their interment records.

I also 'Googled'  the site of the  corner where Lena sold pretzels and baskets from 11:00 AM  in the morning til Midnight in front of the 6th Street Market 'saloon' entrance  at 209 West Sixth Street in Cincinnati.

You can compare it with the corner that you see in the photo of Lena in the previous post.

I dubbed it
"Lena's Corner"
“Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.” Exodus 20
Lena worked hard to help support her mother....
Rest peacefully Lena.

(siggie from Judy)

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

London Trip

My daughter has been reporting in from London each day to let me know what she is up to after work.

Today was a trip to Harrods to see the store and sights and to buy some meat pies .

She's also been to the Tower, is enjoying London and really likes her new company.

She avoided a bad case of jet lag by traveling overnight and sleeping the entire way.
 The trip was to meet her boss and she will be home by the end of the week.
She will be traveling to Oslo, Norway for the job in a few months as well.

Monday, December 15, 2014

The Watchman

"Patience and Diligence, like faith, remove mountains." William Penn

Friday, December 12, 2014

Happy Weekend

The bay, crystal clear on a cold winter day

Happy weekend!  Hope you have a lovely one.

My daughter will arrive in England on Sunday for a week on business. Her boss' office is in London.
It has been a rough week for her as Daisy was one of the kids as far as she was concerned. (see previous post)
Today is the first day without some sleety rain or light snow but, not much sunshine.

Sandy, the superstorm, threw a load of broken barrier rocks onto the beach here.  
Time to clean them up!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Rest in Peace Daisy

“But ask the beasts, and they will teach you; the birds of the heavens, and they will tell you; or the bushes of the earth, and they will teach you; and the fish of the sea will declare to you. Who among all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?
In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind. "Every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine."
Job 12
Rest in Peace gentle little soul.

May 10, 2007 - December 9, 2014

She kissed my hand when we said goodbye this evening.
Her 'mom' and 'dad' and 'sisters'  thank you for your kind prayers on Daisy's behalf.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Winter Snow!

  Winter!      Our first little snowfall of the year.
I love how the shoreline reflects in the dark water below. This photo is taken from my yard.
You can see the little flakes twinkling in the light.

The new signature is a gift from Judy.
I am an elf in a box!  I really like my Mr. Spock elf ears.
Thank you Judy!

Friday, December 5, 2014

Quiet Rainy Day

This week went by so quickly, didn't it?
Things fly by if we don't take care and notice the little things.  We need to hang onto them carefully.

 It is quiet and rainy outside today.

Have yourself a lovely day tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Tuesday Meme and a Chat

We've had a busy time around here.
 My daughter had a birthday and the Famous Anonymous Kid had her's on Monday.
Garfield says "Hi"
 November and December are busy birthday months for our family.

 The weather here has been frosty and sleety/rainy and that lays me low.
My spine is growing bone and will be for a long time yet.
It is 18 months since my surgery and I am still healing.   It takes years actually, as bones must grow around the metal rods etc.  They actually ground up some of my own vertebrae, mix them with a medium and plaster it around the metal to grow.
I had extensive surgery from the tail bone up to the middle of my back.
While they can fix the collapse of the spinal bones  they cannot fix the arthritis that resulted from an injury and caused the collapse of the vertebrae.
For the arthritis I need a good attitude and my orthopedic surgeon recommends I use osteo biflex which helps tremendously.
"Pleasant words are as an honeycomb, sweet to the soul, and health to the bones." Prov. 16

Bad weather and changing atmospheric pressure cause discomfort and make me feel bad all over sometimes, so please pardon my absence.  It just can be hard to sit for long enough to post.

I am still working on the blog's winter theme.  Slowly but surely I hope to get it done soon.

I am joining in Toni's meme this week.

#27 Holiday Favorites

1.   Favorite Holiday?:
      Fourth of July   

2.   Favorite Holiday Character?:
      Uncle Sam..4th of July

3.   Favorite Holiday Dish?:
      Potato salad and my homemade stuffing

4.   Favorite Holiday Weather?: