z Cottage by the Sea : Blizzard of 1888 (reposted from 2010)
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Blizzard of 1888
(reposted from 2010)

We thought we had a snowy winter?

These photos and illustration are from 1888 when the Great Blizzard hit the east.

Most of these photos are taken in New York City at the time.

Amazing amount of snow.

Look at this lady standing by a tunnel shoveled out of the snow drift!
Imagine that.

She looks pretty pleased with it , pleased enough to want her photo taken in front of it.

Faces of busy, tired fellows.
Handsome fellows ...long gone now.
What a job they had before them.

♫ ♫ ♪ ♫
♪ Dashing through the snow in a two horse open sleigh.♫ ♪ ♫
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♫

right past F.J. Kaldenberg's
221-229 East 33rd St,
New York, NY... pipe manufacturer and maker of the famous Meerschaum pipe!

Police still ride horses in NYC. They always used to ride Morgans.
Look at all that hand shoveled snow!

They used to burn holes in the snow when it was too deep for shoveling.

Wires down. So many.

My mother used to collect the glass pieces that were on those telephone
poles to the left.

The glass toppers look nice in windows.
I found this color photo of the glass telephone pole toppers on the internet.Its not my photo and I don't know who did take it. While I think of it, scroll back up and have a look at the gorgeous street lamps on the open sleigh photo. Imagine them lit up by gas in the evening.



  1. Wow what cool old photos...& what a lot of snow!! =:0)

  2. Now that's what I call a 'ton of snow' ! Great pictures Annie!

  3. Winter is not my favorite season and cold is not my favorite temperature !
    I would much prefer the snow depicted on a postcard and not experienced in "real time " .
    The winter storm , predicted to be horrific , wasn't nearly so , but all the advanced warnings at least got folks off the roads , so they were cleared more effectively .
    Stay warm and well , my friend !

  4. I remember some pretty amazing snow storms as a child in upstate NY but not quite like that! wonder if they had kind of rudimentary snow plows then pulled by horses? Wonderful photos and thanks for sharing them.

  5. I too remember quite a few blizzards in NY and upstate NY. As a youngster they were a lot of fun. Now I have grown to hate the snow. In fact today we are getting another few inches and below zero degree temps coming in later. They are predicting wind chills of -30 for us. But I enjoyed the photos. Thanks for posting my friend. Take care and keep warm. Hugs

  6. Beautiful images, all of them! :)
    Keep warm, Annie! Huggles.


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