z Cottage by the Sea : Home Again & Italy Photos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, April 20, 2015

Home Again & Italy Photos

They are home from Italy and back in their routine.

They had a wonderful time and didn't want to come home so soon.
I am sure if they can they will return again.

she loved Florence where this photo was taken

Of all the things the little one loved... the top of her list were  marionettes in the square in Florence (She adored them!) and feeding pidgeons!

These are just a few of the hundreds of photos they took.

Basilica of Santa Croce in Florence

They got a nice photo here

  Herculaneum with Mt. Vesuvius 
 taken from the train on the way to Pompei

Florence from the roof top


  1. What a wonderful &exciting family adventure....& what fun for you to get to share in all the stories & photos!

  2. My dearest Annie,
    I was sure they're going to come back in Italy as soon as they can, they've also found a wonderful beginning of Spring as companion ... your little one is truly enchanting and so very sweet with her joyful smile, she truly touches my heart !
    Sending much love to you all

  3. Such great pictures and what a wonderful opportunity to travel like that. We never were able to do that and at our age won't but it was great seeing how someone else did. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Florence is my fav city in the whole world, so glad your beloved ones (such an awesome smile!) liked it too. :)


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