z Cottage by the Sea : Summertime Vignettes
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Summertime Vignettes

Summer has not been a disappointment. The weather has been lovely and cooler than usual which is always a plus for me. Humidity has been lower than it has been in years and that is wonderful too.

 My spine is acting up, so back for another MRI the first week in September to see if another level is going. They have done 6 levels   and they seem to be okay except for arthritis which sets in after injury. And, I will be back in physical therapy, which I enjoy really. I loved the year I had of it and I hope this does me even more good. If more surgery is needed I will keep you posted.

My ponds are crystal clear and the plants in the garden are growing beautifully. I got a bushel of apples from my tree too.
Here are some vignettes of summer:

Floating along the creek


  1. Lovely photos. Sorry about your spine, I can imagine how painful that is. I have sciatica and arthritis in the back, think of some kind of therapy. Enjoy the rest of summer. Hugs xo

  2. How lovely your Summer vignettes are, my darling and sweetest Anne, I'm glad that there too Summer has become more pleasant and less 'aggressive' than it was until some days ago !

    I truly hope that your spine is going better and better, my precious friend, enjoy the weekend
    With love

  3. I hope things improve health wise as we head into Fall.

  4. So glad you summer has been lovely, Annie. Hope your health will improve soon. :)

  5. Everything looks so lush and green there Annie I'm glad you had a good summer despite your back pain. My husband had good success with PT for back pain. he is good about doing his back exercises most mornings as he knows he has to stay limber to feel better. I hope PT helps you again!

  6. Oh what beautiful pictures!! Thank-you for sharing them.
    I do hope your back will be ok...keep us posted. I have back pain at times, and it can be so awful.

  7. Hi Annie, My back really hurts as I write this. I hurt it years ago and I know I have arthritis. I have been lifting things I should not be which is the cause of the pain. I enjoyed your pictures. Especially the swim in the creek. Hugs


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