z Cottage by the Sea : Dark Autumn Evenings
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Monday, November 2, 2015

Dark Autumn Evenings

Autumn brings cool but cozy early evenings now that the clocks have gone back to normal time.

My front walk on a blustery rainy night
I once had a job working for a Levi Strauss distributor on a main street in a little town.  I loved when nights came early and the streets where wet from a chilly autumn rain
The lights of  passing cars illumined the rain streaking down the windows  like molten gold and I loved the glitter of the   reds, greens and amber traffic lights reflecting in the pavement.

Walking home was especially nice in the  fresh and clean,chilled air . It felt good to be alive.  It still does
on nights like that.
Now it is the moonlight that illuminates the leaves on the water and the walkway. 

Isn't it these little things that create the fond memories and joy in the life we live?

The best of the seasons are the things nature presents to us and the people we share it with along the way.


  1. I enjoy the darkness coming earlier too. It just makes things feel more cozy. Your walks home sound so lovely. It's still pretty warm and humid here. Have a blessed day.

  2. Blessed words, my darling, I just think as you do !
    Here our clocks have come back to the normal time one week before than there, and I always need a few days to adapt myself to the dark coming sooner, especially if I work outside ... but now I think that also to be at home with the light on before is so very cozier and ... 'warm'.

    Sending dear love I wish you a most beautiful end of the week, my sweetest Annie.
    A big hug to you


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