z Cottage by the Sea : 03/16
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


I would like to stay here for a while but, of course, it will not happen.
Still it might be very  nice.
What about you?
Would a place like this interest you?

 Please take time to say Hello! 
I love hearing from you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Nest Builder

A wren has decided to nest in my porch rail planter.
Oh well, there is an identical one on the other side and I will have to be satisfied planting that one.
Coming and going will be interesting for a while.

I can watch her building through my front door.

Friday the little was sent home from school sick and she was home all day yesterday with me as well.
The  Famous Anonymous, her older sister,  broke her thumb on Friday as well. 
Actually we are still waiting on a diagnosis on the finger since it was so badly swollen the xray was hard to determine.  We will see how bad it is this week.
It never rains, just pours right?

Please take time to say Hello! I love hearing from you.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Plants and Pets

Since Spring is on the way, here is a reminder about plants and your pets.
I will have a bigger post tomorrow.
 Friday Update: Nope, won't have a bigger post.  Had to pick up the little from school with a fever and upset tummy so busy with her right now.

Please take time to say Hello! I love hearing from you.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Ahhh, Spring Cometh? Yeah, right....

Gales galore.
Yet another gale with warnings up and small craft advisory flags flying.
I can't recall this many gales in a long time but they have been almost steady since the end of January.
The surf is high and angry today and it is raining steadily. The sky is dark.

Here are some video stills of the inlet and beach. Sorry for the quality but spray from the surf and the steady rain and mist make it difficult for lenses to stay dry.
It is dark out even though it is only 3PM.
Here is the inlet and a dozer is shoring up the beach.

Please take time to say Hello! I love hearing from you.

Friday, March 11, 2016


 he true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.”
~~~ Laura Ingalls Wilder

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Dressing Empress Elizabeth
& 1700's Fashion

Ladies who create period costumes are so extremely talented and the clothing they produce is authentic and gorgeous.
I have followed a few of these women through the years on their blogs and youtube channels and am constantly impressed.
So today I wanted to share with you some of the lovely creations.
This video is of Tessalina showing her recreation of an outfit worn by Empress Elizabeth of Austria.
It is just beautiful and so interesting to see how women dressed in bygone days.

And here is a girl dressing in an outfit created by Cazonetta dressing in the style of the mid to late 1700's.

I hope you enjoy these videos as much as I do.

Please take the time to say "Hello". I love hearing from you.

Friday, March 4, 2016

End of the Week.. snowy gale and lost coffee

It is snowing out today and cold. Spring, not my favorite time of year anyway, seems far off.
Tonight my daughter leaves for Norway, then London and will be gone 2 weeks. I miss her already darn it.

Snow began last night and is still falling silently outside my window.
The day began with a bang.
 I walked (such as I am able) to the kitchen, made coffee in the French press and and poured a bit of hot water into the coffee cup to heat it up.
Then I walked back to my bedroom to get a few things and returned to the kitchen where I picked up the French press and dumped half the freshly brewed coffee down the kitchen drain.
Well, I do actually. I was absent mindedly doing things..something I find myself to have always been guilty of, and instead of pouring the hot water out of the cup, I dumped away half the coffee.
I began this doofy behavior quite early in life.
When I was 13 I went into the kitchen to make a cup of tea. At the time I used a teaspoon of sugar in my tea along with the milk. I was, as usual, somewhere else in my head and instead of pouring the hot water from the kettle into the tea cup I poured it into the sugar bowl.
So, this is nothing new.
 I just have to start concentrating on what I am doing and stop the wandering around in my head.
 Here are some views of the ocean this morning during this snowy gale.
Gale warnings have not been down for well over a month or so now.
You can click these photos to make them larger if you like.

Today's beach cam view .. gale winds, snow

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Old Movies

Do you like old movies?

I enjoy them more than the newer entertainment which often is a bit over the top.
 Here are some great ones you might enjoy seeing. These are all ones that I really enjoy and can watch over and over again.

'The Desk Set' stars Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy with Joan Blondell,Dina Merrill and Gig Young in a tale about the troubles that occur when a large television station decided to automate the reference department.
There is  romance and a lot of humor in this 1957 comedy.
A true Tracy/Hepburn classic.

The chemistry between Hepburn and Tracy continues  in the comedy "Adam's Rib" in which courtroom rivalry interferes in the marriage of two lawyers.
 Adorable Judy Holliday and David Wayne give wonderful comic performances in this classic movie from 1949 and  relationship between Hepburn and Tracy is electric as usual.

The original "Airport" is exciting and romantic . It is the original airline disaster movie, though, no real disaster results when a despondent man buys passage on a 707 to take his own life.
When a bomb goes off the crippled plane must try to land in a massive snow storm. Very exciting.
Helen Hayes, Dean Martin, Burt Lancaster,+Van Heflin, Maureen Stapleton, Jacqueline Bisset, Barbara Hale (of Perry Mason fame),George Kennedy, Jean Seberg star in this exciting drama. What a cast!   The theme music is classic and good as well.

"Forbidden Planet" is considered one of the finest sci fi movies ever made and is a cult classic.
A space mission lands on Altair IV to check on a scientific mission that landed over 20 years before to find  only two survivors who are not happy to see the rescue team at all.
The story line is very good and the cast is even better with Leslie Nielsen, Anne Francis, Walter Pidgeon, Earl Holliman, Jack Kelly, James Drury, Warren Stevens, and Richard Anderson.
You just don't find casts with this many great names anymore.

William Powell plays the strict but lovable head of a 19th century New York City family trying to maintain order in his busy household in "Life with Father."
Made in 1947 it is a wonderful slice of life from the era.
It stars William Powell, Irene Dunn, a teenaged Elizabeth Taylor, Martin Milner, and Zazu Pitts.
It is just a lovely little movie which received great reviews.

IMDB gives this synopsis of "Picnic":
Charming Hal Carter (William Holden) turned to wandering after a failed acting career left him loose in the wind. Interested in reuniting with an old college friend, Alan Benson (Cliff Robertson), Carter bums a train ride to a tranquil Kansas town. Alan greets him warmly, and together they join the community in a picnic celebration of Labor Day. However, his welcome quickly sours when sparks ignite between him and Alan's girlfriend, Madge Owens (Kim Novak).
The movie debuted in 1955 and was a hit with people.  It stars Kim Novak, William Holden,Rosalind Russell, Susan Strasberg, Cliff Robertson, and Arthur O'Connell.
The theme song is one of the all time greats.

Walt Witman's quotation, "The untold want by life and land ne'er granted,
Now, voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find,"  sets the tone for this 1942 classic movie.
"Now Voyager" is one of my all time favorites.
It is a hauntingly lovely story of   Charlotte Vale (Bette Davis) a lonely woman who has been emotionally crippled by a domineering and cruel mother. A stay in a sanitorium and a fateful voyage to Rio change  her life forever.
This 1942 movie stars Paul Henreid, Bette Davis, Claude Rains and Gladys Cooper.  They could not have come up with a better cast for this stellar movie.

Wikipedia defines 'Philadelphia lawyer' this way:
"Philadelphia Lawyer is a term to describe a lawyer who knows the most detailed and minute points of law or is an exceptionally competent lawyer. Its first known usage dates back to 1788."
'The Young Philadelphians' is the story of a young man on the rise and the trials and tribulations he encounters on the way to finding his niche in life.
The more success he gains, the less ethical he becomes. He has some lessons to learn along the way.
 Paul Newman heads a cast that includes Robert Vaughn,  Barbara Rush, Adam West,  Brian Keith and Alexis Smith.

There are a few more but I will save them for another time.
Happy viewing.