z Cottage by the Sea : Questions and Answers
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Questions and Answers

Spring finally comes to NJ 
Sadie at A Life in the English Rain posted some nice questions
Always in the market for things to post about,I thought I would join in.
You can see details and read her answers at her blog which is filled with lovely posts in which she shares pretty photos and some wonderful ideas.

What do you have for breakfast?     
Eggs. Poached, boiled or fried with tomatoes and mushrooms and potatoes. Sometimes oatmeal with cinnamon and cream.
What is your favourite colour? 
Yellow and Violet
What is your favourite season?
Autumn with its chilly, windy weather.
Favourite flower?
Violets and lilies
 Favourite TV show?   
Hetty Wainthropp, though its over now and wasn't on near long enough!
 Do you have a favourite place to visit, home or abroad?  
At home, Cape May, NJ. Abroad it would be Prince Edward Island, Canada.
 Do you have a blog?
 Yes. I have a few actually.
 What is your beauty 'Must Have'?
Mascara.  Oh, does perfume count? I love it!
 What can't you live without? (nothing serious, nice things like fairy lights etc!)  
 Barry's tea and my little library. I am am lost without Photoshop.
Favourite weather?
I am odd man out but I love rainy, stormy days and always have! Makes me feel good to be cozy inside with my tea and a book.  Outside I love to breathe in the air on rainy days. As a child I loved walking to school in my  rubber boots under my umbrella.

 I enjoy posts like this as they give people a chance to get to know about one another.


  1. hurrah, another rain lover! I'm usually the lone voice there!
    Your breakfast sounds so good. I want some.
    Absolutely perfume counts. My goodness me, I'd be lost without it too.

    Oh, and Hetty Wainthropp - which I always loved too when it first came on - can be found on You Tube, so you can rewatch them at your leisure!

    Thanks for joining in with this, and for your sweet words. x

  2. Hi, Annie, I decided to join in too. Lots of fun. I have Hetty Wainthrop in my Netflix queue so I moved it up to top position so I can check it out. I always love watching Patricia Routledge in "Keeping Up Appearances". It will be fun to see her in a serious role. I echo your thoughts on the rain as well. I love rain and storms. Have a great day.

  3. Hi Annie. Well what do you know. It's a rainy day for me too! Love your poem and really enjoyed the one from Toni too! here's her link: http://tonitaddeopoems.blogspot.com/
    Your meme reminds me of a Daybook I used to do every Monday! Brings back memories.


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