z Cottage by the Sea : ~The Back Garden in May~
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, May 13, 2016

~The Back Garden in May~

Yards need tending but it has been too rainy and cold to do anything.
It is raining today and another cold snap is coming.
The back is in need of mowing and clipping and tending  in all sorts of ways.
I am surrounded by woods and water. Back bay streams criss-cross through the woods.
Frogs survived the winter.
The big bull frog..he is huge!...is already on the job in the big pond. Between him and the fish, the smallest of which is a foot long, bugs stand no chance.
The smaller frogs are croaking away in the small front pond.
Here is a before look at the woods side of the property and you can click on photos to enlarge them to full size.

Scotch Broom which hangs over the big pond

The falls being choked off with new Wisteria and Peppermint
The falls at the narrow deep end of the pond. The Scotch Broom is so yellow and bright it reflected back into the camera.
Some fish are orange, some yellow and some are white. While they look small here, the smallest is a foot long.

White Rugosa or Beach Rose... still to bloom. Another one climbs up the side of the house.
Vinca and Wisteria grow around the perimeter of the house
The woods beginning to green up
Meanwhile in out in front the little pond needs tending too.
The following two photos were taken today out in the rain.
Yes, I got wet!
Rain on the little Pond
Rain bubbles.  Smaller frogs are already croaking away.
Things are beginning to bloom. The miniature roses are coming up again.
I hope you enjoyed the little tour of the garden in May as things first begin to bloom.
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  1. Very pretty, Annie! How lovely to have two ponds in your yard. The upkeep to me would be worth it. Thank you for sharing.

  2. What a charming corner in your garden, my lovely Anne, enjoy it, during this period of the year the Nature is blessing us all with such a jubilation of flowers !

    May your weekend be filled with joy, sending my dearest love to you,
    with so much thankfulness

    xox ~ Dany


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