z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Foto Freinds
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday Foto Freinds

Joining in today with photos from the garden. The front walk and the big rugosa or beach rose in the back.
picture above is a link to join in


  1. So glad you joined in, Annie! I love to see photos of your garden and surroundings! Love the new look. Have a blessed weekend, my friend.

  2. Thanks so much for joining us today. Such pretty flowers. Hope you have a great weekend. Visit anytime and hope you join next week, too.

  3. Lovely garden pics, irises are one of my favourite fowers.


  4. I've never heard of a beach rose, it's very pretty!

    1. They are wild roses that grow on the east coast up through New Engand. They bloom only once in the year and come in white, pink and a rosy red color. They grow wild by the seashore.

  5. What lovely flowers! I can't wait for spring to arrive so I can get my garden planted. Until then, thanks for the bright spot in my day.

  6. Beautiful pictures Annie! I hope you are doing well. Have a nice week.

  7. Hi Annie; dropped in to say hi and thank you for dropping in on my site. It's been awhile since I visited blogs but I'm turning over a new leaf. :D Have a great week my friend.


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