z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Fotos
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Friday Fotos

Another week draws to a close and I am joining in for
 Friday Foto Friends once again. It is a lot of fun and you should join in also. You get to see a lot of wonderful pictures that way and make new friends. You can click on the photos to enlarge them if you like.

End of the day and pink clouds

This life saver has seen better days but it works!

I love the smell of grass after it has just been mowed.

The big back pond and its residents


  1. Hi Anne! Beautiful shots of a gorgeous, peaceful day! The link you sent me didn't work, but thank you for your help! Hugs my friend!

  2. Hi Annie, I love your header. Have you ever shared a picture of your cottage? I am a city girl, but I am a country girl at heart. I miss my old neighborhood because@ it was newer. This new place lots of birds which I enjoy except the noisy mocking bird! Is the fish pond on your property? Have a nice weekend! Hugs

    1. I have not pictured the house itself for privacy reasons but, I have pictured the surroundings and yard.
      The pond is one of 2 on my property. This one is the larger one out back.

  3. Your pictures are awesome again this week...but so is your artwork. You're so talented! Thanks so much for sharing!!

  4. A delightful collection of photos, I enjoyed all of them. And I think your header picture is rather lovely.


  5. Such pretty photos! Pretty new look here. I always love coming here!

  6. Good Morning !
    I love starting my day with a visit to your blog !
    Keep up the great work...

  7. Your pictures are so gorgeous! I am a little jealous that I do not live there...LOL!! Have a nice weekend.

  8. I love seeing your place through wonderful photos. This time of year it must be so relaxing sitting by the shore and listening to life all around you. Hope your weekend was just as wonderful dear friend. :)

  9. I do so love all the photographs you always share, dearest Annie !

    Hope you had a lovely weekend, I'm sending blessings of joy on your days to come, so very thankful, as usual, sweetie !

    Xx Dany


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