z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Foto FriendsBy the Sea
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, August 19, 2016

Friday Foto Friends
By the Sea

Linking to Friday Foto Friends

  Diamonds on the water in late afternoon always dazzle the eyes.

A  lovely clear and breezy day by the bay.


  1. How lovely to live near the sea. Beautiful.

  2. Hello Annie and thank you for visiting my photos today! Your header is lovely! 'Diamonds' sparkling on the water are always beautiful!

  3. Beautiful! It looks so restful and tranquil.

  4. I will be in prayer for you, dear Annie today and Monday. :)

  5. Oh how I long to get to go to the beach. It's been at least ten years for me. :-( another gorgeous painting of yours on the header. You are so talented. Thanks for linking up today. Have a great weekend!

  6. Diamonds on the water was beautiful, thanks for sharing!!

  7. It does look like diamonds, smiles...another lovely blog header. Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

  8. Such a lovely place in God's beautiful world. Love the seashore...would love to go back soon. We live in Florida and the beach is only about one hour away, and yet we never seem to get there anymore. Your photos make me want to go...now...! Thank you for sharing with us.

  9. What a wonderful place to go and relax. Diamonds on the water, lovely :)


  10. Love your header - wish I was there !
    These diamonds,unlike the jewels,are free for everyone!
    Thank you for bringing the beauty of "ordinary" things
    to our attention.
    Hope all goes well for you...

  11. I would love to live so near the water. It is so relaxing to me. Have a nice weekend.

  12. The sea is always a great place for quiet and beauty.

  13. So beautiful and peaceful. I too would love living by the sea. Have a great day ahead dear Annie.


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