z Cottage by the Sea : Vignettes at Home
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Vignettes at Home

C ertain things make you feel at home and comfortable.
Truly there's no place like home.

Coffee in the evening served in the glow of lamplight.

Old family photos .....

Diamonds on the bay in morning...

Quiet mornings watching the water....

What makes you feel happy and comfortable?


  1. What makes me happy is quiet time in my recliner with just a cup of coffee by my side and a book on the side table ready to read. Your photos are wonderful especially the coffee in the evening one Annie :)

  2. Your images, darling, your images makes me really feel at home, make be breathe the atmosphere of a cozy, hearthwarming place, thank you for this post of yours, it's such a beautiful 'Good Morning' to me, sweetest Annie !!!

    May your day be blessed with joy and may your month of September be as happy as never before,
    sending much love

    Xx Dany

  3. Your images, darling, your images makes me really feel at home, make be breathe the atmosphere of a cozy, hearthwarming place, thank you for this post of yours, it's such a beautiful 'Good Morning' to me, sweetest Annie !!!

    May your day be blessed with joy and may your month of September be as happy as never before,
    sending much love

    Xx Dany

  4. I love your moments of comfort. I could identify with all of them. My favorite is cuddling up on the couch in the evening with Mandy and watching TV. A hot cup of tea and listening to rain on the roof makes it even more comforting.

  5. Hi Annie! Beautiful images!!! Happy September to you!! I love being home on a rainy day, baking and enjoying lit candles. xoxo

  6. How marvelous to have a wonderful group of ladies whose moments of comfort are so similar!
    What makes me happy and comfortable are good friends,good food,good books,being cozy and comfortable with a warm,cuddle y kitty....aaahhhh...


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