z Cottage by the Sea : Childhood Meme
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Childhood Meme

Memes are a fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.
Today I am borrowing Toni's 4 Meme. It is a fill in the blank meme about childhood.

As A Child, I..

1.  As a child I loved to play...?:   Jump rope. I was good at double dutch.
I also liked hiking in the woods of the Watchung mountains with my daddy looking for salamanders in the creeks and climbing hills.
I loved playing in the ocean. My mother taught me to ride a horse which we did a lot of.

2.  As a child I wanted to grow up to be...?:   A cowgirl or a teacher of religion.
I also thought being a forest ranger was a cool job since they got to stay outside all day and that was huge for meas a kid. I never wanted to be inside. I was not fond of meal times since it meant stopping playing outside.

3.  As a child my favorite thing to eat was...?:    Spaghetti served anyway at all!
I also liked chicken gumbo,hot dogs with sauerkraut, lemon meringue pie,  black raspberry ice cream, cup of tea with lots of milk with my grandmother.

4.  As a child my favorite relative was...?:  
 My grandparents.
They took care of me.
My paternal grandfather especially was a favorite because he took me to watch the trains all the time and gave me an allowance each week of 25 cents.
 I just loved that he spent time with me.
Between my little allowance and annoying my much older brother when he was on the phone  made me rich at an early age!  Hehe..just kidding.
  My brother would give me money to go away ;).

This was a fun question and answer. Why not join in?

Our weather by the shore is windy and chilly but humid. Misty rains have been falling for days but today there is a bit of intermittent sun here and there.
Hurricane Matthew is churning up the Atlantic even this far north.
We are praying for those in the Caribbean and the southern coastal states and hoping it goes out to sea quickly.
I am stocking up on water and goods before hand with memories of the icy cold week of Sandy when I had no power for a long while.
Sadly New Jersey is still trying to recover from Sandy and here comes another huge hurricane.


  1. I enjoyed reading your answers. My grand parents were my playmates as a child. We are on tropical storm watch even on the west coast of Florida because of Matthew. It would be catastrophic if it hit the east coast here.

  2. Our prayers are for all affected by the storm and for the families in the Caribbean who have lost loved ones.May Matthew blow far out to sea and hurt no more!

  3. Hi Annie, I think we can all relate to the importance of a grandparent/s. That is why I am happy to be retired and helping with my grands. These days I am really missing my parents. Time goes by so quickly. Stay safe! Hugs


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