z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Foto Friends One Year Anniversary
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday Foto Friends
One Year Anniversary

Several warmer days left us all wanting a real autumn with chillier temperatures.
It is time for summer to get lost and it may be chillier today and tomorrow. Hoorah!
I am joining up with Debbie for Friday Foto Friends.
Thank you Debbie for giving us all the opportunity to join in and share and meet new friends.

I am just in love with autumn.
Today there was a blizzard of leaves tumbling down all around. It was so thick that I took a video of it but it didn't turn out nicely.  I will try again today if there is enough breeze. It was just wonderful to see.
The Little was home sick from school and enthroned on the sofa with a good view out the bay window and cartoons on TV.  She was amazed by the blizzard of leaves that were falling.
While she napped I took the opportunity to step out on the porch for some photos.
You can click on any photo to see it full sized.


  1. Beautiful fall leaves! The colors of fall is my favorite thing about fall and of course the cooler temperatures.

  2. Wonderful photos...the autumn leaves coordinate perfectly with the colors of your fish !!
    Have a marvelous day...hope The Little is feeling better!

  3. Beautiful photos Annie. Here in my area we are getting the November version of Autumn and Fall. I pray The Little feels better soon my friend. Have a day of blessings.

  4. Enjoyed your foto's! Especially liked the one of the leaves floating on the pond.

  5. i love your fall colors. I hope your little is feeling better soon.

  6. Oh, this is my favorite season, too. What beautiful fotos! I was out and abouthe yesterday, too, and loved the leaves raining down! Thanks for joining in each week. Hope you have a great weekend!

  7. I love seeing the leaves swirling around and round and tumbling down. Always so much fun. And then I love to run and jump in the piles of leaves when they are raked up. We don't get to do much of that here in Florida, but I have happy childhood memories of such adventures! Love your pictures today; Hope your little one feels better soon.

  8. The colors are just beautiful, Annie! We've had a lot of wind the last few days and I see leaves fall in my yard a lot. Just not as pretty as yours! I hope The Little feels better soon.

  9. Thank you so much for your nice photos. So sorry your Little was ill.

  10. Your blog is beautiful. Great photos of the fall colors there. Hope your daughter gets well quickly.

  11. Such wonderful colors, Annie! Hope the little one is feeling better soon. :) Huggles!!


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