z Cottage by the Sea : Thursday December 8
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Thursday December 8

Day 8 0f December.
I am joining Toni for her Tuesday Four but doing it on Thursday!

1.  How many hours a day do you watch TV?
 It is very inconsistent and most days I watch none at all.
I will watch things on Netflix or YouTube sometimes and I watch certain series with my girls when they are on.
I do listen to old time mystery radio when I paint though.

2.  How many days in a week do you cook at home?
All the timeI get to go out to eat rarely and usually only on special occasions with family. I wish it was more often .
Now that the famous anonymous kid is driving... Yup.. got her license December 1, her birthday.. we are planning a girls night out  together.  And last night was her school sports honors banquet in which she was touted as one of the top field hockey goalies in the county. It was long and most were bored but not me. I was glad to be out and about!
I have to brag that she really is that good :)

3. How many times a month do you go to the movies?
I haven't been in a couple of years.  I have no one to go with so, though I would love getting out, I don't. Except for the Famous Anonymous who is  busy with school I have no friend or family who enjoy the same things I do.

4.  How many vacations do you take a year? 
 I haven't been on a real vacation in years. Well, the last real vacation that wasn't a trip for religious holiday observance was when I was about 12.
I could use one.  So much has happened in my life without any rest in between and I have watched others come and go  while we  held down their forts for them.
Sigh, I know.. I know....

On this day in history President Abraham Lincoln signed the Amnesty Proclamation and issued his plan for the reconstruction of the south, which had been devastated by the war.
That plan was not implemented in any real sense of the word as horrible carpet baggers from the north came down and took horrible advantage of the south for greed and profit. 
Also on Dec. 8, 1942 President Roosevelt issued his "Day of Infamy" speech regarding Pearl Harbor.
Vatican II  happened sending the Catholic Church into a sort of split that lasts to this day for many.
Finally John Lennon was shot to death outside the Dakota Apartment building in New York City in 1980.
1980!   So long ago.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhhhh Annie....I loveeeeeeeeeeee your background/look here...so very pretty. Oh how I understand about the teen/driving license. smiles

    Enjoyed your post, have a beautiful day friend...looks like more snow is in the forecast for us folks in western NY.


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