z Cottage by the Sea : Sunday Salon
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Sunday Salon


Having not one idea of my own lately, I am joining in with Sunday Salon.

Time:  12:57PM

 Scene: In my little office  (3rd bedroom).  It's a sunny winter's day in this little seaside town on the south Jersey coast. Sun is streaming through the windows and wind is batting around the chimes on the front porch.

Today's Plan:  No plans to speak of.  I have studying to do for  courses I am taking in theological studies and anthropology.
Might look in on the super bowl but meh.. don't really care about it much. Spectator sports are not my thing unless it's watching  the kids in lacrosse and field hockey, soccer etc and that I just love!

Drinking;  Coffee with coffee mate powdered creamer, no sugar thank you.

Listening to:  The water heater making more hot water, wind chimes tinkling merrily.

Reading: text books

Pondering:  when I can get the area rug in the living room cleaned or just buy another one to replace this one. It is looking shabby.

Here is a bit of wisdom I find interesting:

Tomorrow I will post a quiz about how much you know your mother.


  1. Hi Annie, I did not know you were taking classes. Are you doing it through an online program? My friend Tammy is also taking theological classes. I am learning through my Bible journaling. Happy Monday!

  2. Good job you taking classes! Anthropology sounds like fun. Sounds like you had a very pleasant Sunday! Have a great week.

  3. Hi Annie; I think it's wonderful you are taking classes. Sounds like Sunday was a perfect day for you and the weather. :) I'll have to check out the Sunday Salon. Looks like another good olne to follow. Have a lovely evening dear friend.


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