z Cottage by the Sea : At Home by the Bay
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

At Home by the Bay

Tonight my girls and I watch Pretty Little Liars and it is pizza night at our house.
PLL night is usually Mexican or Italian food.
We are in the final season and after all these years will find out who the real culprit has been!

I came across this video I made last summer of my favorite place by my house and thought I would share it with you. I believe I may have shared it before but it is a nice promise of summer.
The day was warm and breezy , sunny and lovely and the sound of the wind though the phragmites (frag-Mightys) was so nice to hear.
"Phragmites australis is a genus of four species of large perennial grasses found in wetlands throughout temperate and tropical regions of the world ".
It is very invasive and grows very tall.


  1. A lovely peaceful place! I could sit there for hours. Have a blessed day.

  2. Hi Annie; It must be wonderful to be able to share the same program and food enjoyment with your girls. I could just see myself sitting in a lounge chair by the bay just listening to the quiet sounds. What a lovely video. Your header is beautiful, love the girl and the dog. Have a peaceful and blessed evening dear friend.

    1. Thanks Toni. The girl is me and the dog is my dog Brandy who died in 2009 at age 15. Still miss her a lot.

  3. Thank you for sharing the video...so peaceful and lovely.
    It's been raining so much here , I have to keep checking myself for moss !!
    At least the car is clean and the pond is filled !
    Hoping you are comfortable and well...
    looking forward to summer...sigh...

  4. What a wonderful video, Annie. I really miss the ocean sometimes.

    I loved reading about you in your last post. My great grandparents were Victorian and my grandparents were Edwardian. My mom was a flower child. Guess who I took after ;)

    Also, I'm sorry you hadn't been feeling well and I hope you're better now.

    many hugs,

  5. How wonderful to have such a beautiful spot to sit and just soak up the beauty of the ocean! Glorious! I miss the ocean so! Hugs to you today :)


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