z Cottage by the Sea : Define Stupidity
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Define Stupidity

Made this morning when I saw this wonderful quote.


  1. Great wise words!
    thank you for sharing my friend.
    i wish we all got this talent more LESS

  2. How true, smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend.

  3. First...this header is so very special...peaceful and lovely...aaahhhh...
    Second...the quote is spot on !I always wished that stupidity would hurt only the person being stupid...even if it is me...sadly it is not so . Stupidity hurts all those around him , yet he remains untouched by it, with no opportunity to repent and change...sigh...

  4. Wonderful quote! If only more people lived without hurting others!

  5. LOL! Annie! And that's the truth! Have a great day my friend.

  6. Before I forget. Your header is wonderful! Love the peaceful falls.

  7. Happy Mother's Day Annie! I hope you are feeling better!


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