z Cottage by the Sea : In The Eye Abides the Heart
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Saturday, May 27, 2017

In The Eye Abides the Heart

This eye belongs to the Famous Anonymous Kid

In the eye abides the heart.
Every pure and tender feeling,
All emotions worth revealing,
Through the eyes their charm impart.
Words are often clothed in guile;
For the lips with fear may falter:
E'en confiding smiles may alter
Oh! believe not in a smile!
'Tis the eye unveils the heart.
Every pure and tender feeling,
All emotions worth revealing,
To the eyes their glow impart.

If thy bosom heaves a sigh
For a fair and cherished maiden,
Though her voice with love be laden,
Mark the language of her eye
There each impulse of her soul
Beams for thee in truth and candor;
There her secret passions wander,
There remain beyond control.
'Tis the eye unveils the heart.
Every pure and tender feeling,
All emotions worth revealing,
To the eyes their glow impart.
(Franz von Kobell, translated by Stephen Foster in 1851)

And I thought I would join in the Saturday 9 at Nonnie's.

1) Memorial Day was introduced after the Civil War. War memorials, as well as the graves of veterans, are to be decorated with flags and flowers on this day to show our appreciation. Is there a war memorial in your neighborhood?

Yes. A world war I veteran on a pedestal, a Vietnam memorial and a Revolution war memorial at a site of a roadside hospital that was there in the Revolutionary war.

2) Andrew Johnson, our 17th President, was in office the first time Memorial Day (then called Decoration Day) was celebrated. Have you ever met one of our 45 Presidents?

Yes, President Eisenhower just before he passed away, Richard Nixon, and my daughter is the 6th cousin of Jimmy Carter on her father's side and they have huge reunions for relations.

3) According to the AAA, 36 million Americans will hit the road this weekend and drive more than 50 miles. Will you be traveling far from home this weekend?

No. I live in tourist country and people come to us from Memorial day to Labor  Day.

4) Memorial Day kicks off the summer season. What’s your favorite picnic food?

Sandwiches and Kettle chips.

5) Have you packed away your winter clothes?
Or is the weather still so changeable that you still may need something warm?
it has been chilly here and weather changes. But, I don't have a house big enough to store anything away.  Everything I own is in my tiny closet. You know the kind one of those itty bitty old house closets that are barely as deep as a hanger and only 32 inches wide.

6) As you answer these questions, is there an air conditioner or fan on?
I use a fan in the bedroom year round to circulate air. But last night the heat was on for a bit.

7) This week, we are featuring the Muppets. Jim Henson made the first Muppet out of an old coat, and he used ping pong balls for the eyes. Do you have a talent for do-it-yourself/arts and crafts projects?

Yes. I enjoy making all kinds of things from woolen afghans to wreaths and table decorations.

8) Random question: Think of the last thing you bought. Did you get a good deal?
Yes. I shop a lot at TJ Maxx and Home Goods.

9) What song or a performer would you like to see featured in a Saturday 9 this summer?
Beethoven or Mozart perhaps.

That's it for now.. have an enjoyable day.
(posted ahead of time)


  1. The eyes are the mirror of the soul. So often the eyes give away what a person is trying to hide. Lovely song. I've not heard it before. The images that go along with the video are outstanding! Have a blessed day.

  2. Such a wonderful post Annie. Your Famous Anonymous Kid has a gorgeous eye. So true the eyes are a mirror to the soul. Love the song and the video and enjoyed the Saturday 9. Have a blessed Memorial weekend my friend.

  3. Who knew the eyes had such an abundance of colors ?!?
    Beautiful eyes...beautiful girl(from the inside out).
    Have a wonderful weekend...kettle chips and all !

  4. I love the eye, smiles...what a lovely eye(s), my friend. That is pretty cool about Jimmy Carter...smiles.

    I enjoyed the meme. smiles---Have a lovely weekend, my friend.


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