z Cottage by the Sea : Live Like You Were Dying
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Live Like You Were Dying

Live like you were dying?  How is that possible?
By thinking of others and doing good at every turn.
This is a nice video with a positive message.
You can do things you never thought possible if you try.  If  you don't try you will never achieve, never grow.
Every journey begins with one first step and it takes courage to begin moving forward in life.
Never let yourself stagnate. Grow and change for the better every day.

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?  Ps (tehillim) 27


  1. Oh wow...the video made me cry. I can tell you that horse is well loved. smiles

  2. There is,indeed grace,beauty and deep love yet in this world !
    One can not fail to be deeply moved by the trust,dedication needed to make this performance happen so amazingly .
    God bless them both !

  3. So beautiful! It made me cry. How awesome the relationship between her and her horse and an awesome tribute to her dad. Thank you for sharing.


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