z Cottage by the Sea : Early Morning Friday Foto Friends
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, June 30, 2017

Early Morning
Friday Foto Friends

It is time to link up to Skywatch Friday  this week with a few Android phone photos taken early tone morning a few years ago.  

Morning Glass

7AM Sunlight



Late Morning Sky

Breakfast Time

Have a great Friday.


  1. oooos and awwwsssss....forget it, to early for me use spell check, lololol---love the photos. smiles

    Love the photos and yet again, the header is just plum gorgeous. smiles. Have a lovely day, my friend.

  2. Annie, your header is simply beautiful! You have such an amazing talent! I love your photos...the glass...the sunlight...the reflections in the goblets..."tidy" and "messy"...to me even your "messy" looks pretty tidy! The fish are gorgeous...and the sea oats are simply lovely. Thank you for these glimpses of your beautiful world today.

  3. The 7am sunlight made me want to pour a cup of coffee and visit a while! Hope you have a great weekend!

  4. That header! I love it. Did you paint that? All your pics are great, but the stained glass is really pretty. Your messy is tidy. 😉

    1. Thank you Nonnie. Yes I paint or photograph most of my headers myself. :)

  5. Good Morning !
    You have a wonderful eye for composition and the talent to
    bring that to reality in painting and photo .
    Bravo !
    Have a wonderful day...today and always !

  6. Happy Saturday Annie! I just love your new header! You are so talented! And the photos are wonderful! Have a great day!

  7. First of all, I'm sooooo sorry to be so late to visit. Grandkiddos were here yesterday and today has been spent once again with our daughter and kiddos and then working in the yard. I'm one tired Nannie...LOL I love that pic of the glass in the door...gorgeous. You live in such a beautiful part of our country! And that header....wow! I want to be there! HOPE you have a great 4th of July weekend.


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