z Cottage by the Sea : Décor I Love
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Décor I Love

Love the Fifties and everything about it.. almost.

But what I do love is the decor of the 50's .
I love other styles too like Victorian, traditional and beautiful Colonial Primitive style .
Actually I would need a home the size of Buckingham palace in order to decorate in all the styles I like.
Here's a few things I kind of like:

Pink telephones.. preferably with rotary dial. Oh how I want a Princess Phone.
It's little, it's lovely, it lights!
Actually I had a turquoise one and I miss it awfully and I hate cell phones. Hate, hate , hate them and did I mention I hate them too?

I adore pink bathrooms.
Thank you for making pink special Mamie Eisenhower!
Spaghetti poodles 
Oh, how I would love to have this bathroom  with all it's pink powdery goodness.
Look at the kitties on the toilet back! Remember the poodles with all that lovely china poodle curls on them?
And Poodle shower curtains! Oh be still my heart.

And look at these cool twin beds. A teen dream.

Love this bedroom  below, but maybe in a different color.
Softer Mamie Eisenhower pink or soft pale yellow.
So neat with such clean lines.
And those spreads are so easy to make up a bed with! They fit perfectly. Anyway, I just like the style of the twin beds.
You could have a friend over :)
Where is the record player and the 45's? Sheesh, I need a radio too. And the pink Princess phone is missing from the night table.

I like this one a lot as well.
Again, clean simple lines everywhere.
Of course I would change the pictures on the wall and the lamp but otherwise I always liked these kinds of twin beds.
This would make a nice guest room in a 50's ranch style home.
I like the old Bark cloth drapes too.

Below is Vernonware's 'Tickled Pink' dinnerware.
I own 4 cups and saucers from this California based company's 1950's set.
I'd like to collect a service for 8. I keep haunting Etsy for pieces.
It was produced between 1958 and 1965.
50's blast from the past

50's living room styles:
Early American and Colonial were popular through the 60's.
So cozy and I just love rag rugs.
My grandmother used to make small ones.
Are those Delft tiles around the fireplace?

Note the pull down lamp over the dining table! I had one  when I first moved into this house which was built in the early 60's.
The owners  had changed  nothing.
Bold color and clean, crisp lines in this room.
I would have to repaint those kitchen cabinets though and change out the leafy chair.
Below is a bit of colonial style, warm and inviting I think.
I love the chair by the bookcase. Heck, I love the bookcase!
Better yet I love books!

Which brings us to Primitive colonial style which is another favorite of mine:

Punched tin light! But I like the table and chairs :)

I could move in here right now and be very happy.

This beautiful bedroom may be from Behind My Red Door an old blog now closed but she still posts on Facebook in the same name.
Her old blog still has all the old photos. I found this on a pinning site but I do believe it is her home bedroom.
Her Massachusetts home is all primitive and just so beautiful.
While we are on the subject, Massachusetts is beautiful too.
Can't I please live on Nantucket in a house like this?
Please?? Pretty please? I'll be good.
Yes, I know, up above you can hear a voice saying.."Promises, promises, there she goes again."

What kind of styles do you like?


  1. Oh my, what stunning rooms you're showing us today !
    I so love Colonial and Victorian style and there are a few cozy corner which truly won my heart, darling Annie !

    Wishing you a most lovely end of your week
    sending blessings across the Ocean

    XOXO Dany

  2. My grandma had a pink and black bathroom, similar to your photo you showed. AND she had a pink kitchen right along with a pink stove! Yep. Fondly remembering...smiles

    I just love pink and the primitive style. Thank you for the many smiles. Have a great day, friend.


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