z Cottage by the Sea : New Jersey Beaches and the Governor
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

New Jersey Beaches and the Governor

The fourth itself was a disappointment. I didn't get to the fireworks on the actual day... no barbecue, nothing. Very disappointed as I am a big kid. Fireworks the night before were nothing much for the time spent waiting.
I so wanted my ice cream on the fourth.  :( cry baby. Never happened and I need to be doing on those days. I just do......
My daughter came to help me turn on water for my pond in the afternoon, but that was it.

People are asking about Governor Christie's closing of the beach in New Jersey.
Island Beach State Park and NJ Pennisula beaches
 it stretches for miles and extends 7 miles out to sea

All other beaches in NJ are owned by the town in which they are found.
Island Beach State Park is all that is closed. It is only a portion of the penninsula that is owned and maintained by the state itself .
The rest of our beaches.. hundreds of miles of them are owned by the towns and are open, clean and safe.

Going to his private beach while not allowing the few families who also live by the Governor's mansion and the public to stay was unwise, but politics can blind people sometimes.
I do understand that he is mobbed wherever he goes but....
His let them eat cake attitude was not the greatest thing he ever did.
He's a Jersey boy and , well, we have attitude.. but he needs to cool it.

Applies to the guys as well..sigh. Gentleman to Jersey ...

But remember, media has a track record of lying and distorting truth.
But the section closed is a small bit of the pennisula/island. It isn't all NJ beaches by any stretch of the imagination.
I live on the bay side and my town has beach front property on the oceanfront. 
 Here is a view of my neck of the woods:


  1. Hi Annie; Love your new header and your neck of the woods is beautiful. I too didn't get to see fireworks this year. None were on the 4th either. I spent Tuesday watching 4th of July movies on TCM. The heat and humidity was so bad I didn't leave the house. None of the live shows like Capitol 4th and Macy's 4th were worth watching. The rest of the past week was spent with family and great. Have a blessed evening dear friend.

  2. You're neck of the woods is simply awesome...but so is that header! Mercy, I enjoy those so much! Sorry your 4th was somewhat of a flop. I get so disappointed in stuff like that, too. We did have a great day, though, because our 4 grand kiddos were here (and their parents...;), and my Momma. HOPE you have a terrific Thursday...can't believe how fast this week has flown.

  3. Love your stretch of God's magnificent coastline...you are blessed to have the ocean at your front door.(except when there are hurricanes!) We didn't do any traditional July 4th stuff this year, but we did have lunch with some friends at their house, which was very nice. I usually host a big family gathering, but just wasn't up to it this year. We usually make homemade ice cream too, but none of that either this time. Some times we just need to take a break from tradition, and maybe next year others will be more eager to help and participate again because they missed it! Either way, we are thankful for our nation's heritage and freedom, and I waved our flag proudly in front of our house all day! God bless America, land that I love!!

  4. Now, see, the media did not report all that...but I did find his choice to visit the beach very unwise, I am no fan of your governor...I just don't like his attitude, lol. We have friends from Jersey who have the same no nonsense attitude, but do not act like that...

    I so love your view regardless of being on the bay or the ocean side, smiles. Have a beautiful day, friend...our July 4th was lacking, no family, no friends, no big celebrations, no big picnics, etc. We BBQ'd, and went to the parade. It was just the three of us...and our son didn't want to go to the fireworks, hubby didn't want to either, but when I walked out the door to drive myself, he relented. wink.


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