z Cottage by the Sea : Wednesday Haiku #5
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Wednesday Haiku #5

Three sunset photos of the bay and three haiku to go along with them.

The sun set on the water with a pink glare;
A ball of gnats revolving in the air....
by HÔ-Ô

Drift away with me!
the summer breeze takes us
  to the painted sea
  by annie

Oh, just look now:
the sky has dripped its color
into the sea!
by annie

As always  you can 'click' on the photos to enlarge them.


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh love the new header...beautiful Haiku. smiles

  2. Love your header and the other pictures too!

  3. Stunning photos and great and delightful writing. Warm greetings!

  4. Beautiful photos... great colors. Love your header painting, Annie!

  5. Thank you for displaying the serenity of the sunset bay !
    I saw a cloud formation recently that looked like
    a horizontal hand...haiku to follow :
    Clouds like white fingers
    against a sky of deep blue.
    A mighty hand guides .
    Have a splendid day , my friend !


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