z Cottage by the Sea : Creative Adventures
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Creative Adventures

I  went to the hospital early Friday afternoon because of my heart again.
After 9 hours of rapid A Fib, my heart went from 165 beats a minute to 65 in just one second. It had been varying from 130 to 210 beats at times.
My feet in ER waiting to be admitted
My daughter was watching the monitor when it happened and saw me flinch and lurch forward. She couldn't believe the huge drop. Me either! But I was glad for it, believe me!
It felt like my heart  stopped cold and was like being hit with a sledge hammer in the chest.
My arms are a mess with purple/black bruising from IV's and blood samples all weekend long.
I was released Monday evening and will follow up.
I've had heart issues from age 14 and now I have flutter and A Fib. My cardiologist will discuss options with me.
Rapid A Fib leaves you feeling as if you've run a marathon literally. And then I caught a bad cold too. Yuk.
My view over head
My roommate was a senior citizen born in  Italy who lives not far from me.  What a darling sweetheart!!
She cried when I was going home. "I love you so much" she said.
 We kind of bonded.
 Poor little thing has so many issues and I ask you to remember her in your prayers.
Her name is Carolina and she is nearly 90 God bless her.
She has a lovely family but she lives alone.
I threw her a kiss, mindful of my on coming cold and said, Ciao, I love you too and off I went. She just broke down in tears which made me cry too. Sometimes you just meet people that you come close too in a moment!
My daughter said, "What's up with you and older Italian women? They seem to love you."
Well, it's that I love them and they seem to know it.
She and her family had to run for the hills during WWII and had a very hard time of things.

view from our room
When I am in the hospital, which in the last few years with my spine and heart has been a lot, you find yourself praying for those around you. So many suffer so much. Please remember those whose names and situations you do not know but God does. Your prayers mean a lot.
I knew a lot of the people in service at the hospital as they went to our local high school. Kind of nice. Some of them suffered a lot as kids which made them want to serve others in medicine. I knew some of the EMT's who took me to the hospital too having worked with some.
I know.. who takes photos in the ER when their heart is going bonkers?  I do. That's who.

I am joining Toni's Creative Adventures today.

The Light House
Barnegat Light on Long Beach Island NJ

1.   While sailing on vacation the sea gets rough and your boat hits against the rocks of an island, you  are able to wade to shore safely. You thank God it was possible!_______.

2.   In front of you is a small cliff with a lighthouse, you wonder if you can find a road up to the lighthouse and find help.. There is a path leading to the lighthouse and you follow it. The door to the lighthouse is open, so you go in. Maybe you can charge your cell phone here..

3.   Your curiousity gets the best of you and you look all around inside. You plug in your charger and your phone begins to charge. You will be able to get home soon but for now, a rather bad storm is brewing outside and you won't be going anywhere. The kitchen has food and you are so hungry. A nice can of soup and some crackers will save the day and fortify you against the storm beating down outside. The lightning and thunder are just awful! __________.

4.   Happy to be able to, you sit down in a soft chair, pick up a nice Agatha Cristie Miss Marple story and read until the storm abates. You're call was successful and you'll be home in a few hours.__________.


  1. Oh my Annie! I'm so happy all turned out well for you thank the Lord. My heart and prayers go out to Carolina. Love those older seniors who are sincere in their love and friendship for others. She sounds a lot like my late grandmother.
    Thank you for playing along with CA meme. Loved your adventure answers. Have a day of blessings dear friend.

  2. Aww dearest Annie, I am saddened to read you have been poorly, and yet so grateful that you are now on the recovery side of your illness. I wish you continued good health !
    I smiled at you words, of bonding with the elderly Italian lady, since they same happened to me when I was in rehab with a broken ankle. My room-mate was a 93 year old lady from Michigan, who had a lovely family also, but left her without company for days on end. We bonded like mother and daughter, and I became her caretaker of sorts, telling the staff what she needed, and how her nights were sleepless. I cried when it came time for me to leave and return home, and she was to stay there, as a resident in the retirement home, I think of her often.
    Continue to do well dear lady !

  3. Oh, my sweet friend....prayers for you. What an awesome heart you have, being so sick yourself and thinking of those around you in need. That doesn't surprise me at all. HOPE the doctors can find you some relief, possibly a pacemaker? My Mom had to get one for her A-fib. PLEASE take care of yourself.

  4. {{Annie}} scary, scary, scary. My son has a fast/rapid heartbeat. He had open heart surgery when he was 6...anyways, sorry didn't mean to tmi'ing.

    You, my friend, can brighten any day with your lovely thoughtfulness. Keeping you in prayer, sweet friend.

  5. Okay...next time you play Roving Reporter,be WELL and stay out of hospitals !!!
    We are all so very glad to have you with us.You are a dear,precious,kind and most valuable
    part of our lives.You are wrapped in our most fervent prayers for your total and complete healing,my friend.
    P.S.- Love your story!


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