z Cottage by the Sea : Friday Foto Friends, Pizza & the Great Outdoors
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, August 4, 2017

Friday Foto Friends, Pizza & the Great Outdoors

 Friday Foto Friends... Here are my photos for this week's edition, the great outdoors taken this week.
Visit Debbie to take part. It is a lot of fun.

All except the last photo were taken with my android phone.

The bay before a storm:

This dragonfly was studying me closely. His little head was bobbing up and down and back and forth as he wondered what I was all about.  He kept coming back to visit over and over again all Thursday afternoon.
He is a bit blurry but he is still adorable.

And one indoor photo of homemade pizza for dinner!


  1. Love the pictures. Your phone does a great job!! Love the children reading in the garden...that is priceless! Dragonflies are such interesting characters! I think they are aliens just checking us out! LOL!! The waterfall, goldfish pond, storm clouds and seashore are marvelous...and the homemade pizza! Wow!!! Would love a slice right now...well, maybe not right now as it is only 7:20 a.m....not a big fan of pizza for breakfast...but lunch would be just fine. Please send it on down! LOL. Have a blessed day, my friend!

  2. Wow, look at those storm clouds, we have had clouds like that all week long in the evenings...been so hot and humid here in western NY. Love, love your photos, Annie. Smiles

    Have a beautiful weekend, friend.

  3. So glad you share the beauty of what some mistakenly call mundane .
    These photos are wonderful !!
    Sending best wishes for a marvelous day...

  4. You make me wonder if I should switch to an android. Those pictures are good. And the pizza looks especially good. I've only made pizza a couple of times with the Blue Apron ingredients.

  5. My android takes really good pictures, too. That picture of the statue is adorable!

  6. Your pictures are lovely. I love seeing the fish in the pond, and that pizza looks delicious. I've never attempted to make a homemade pizza, but I should, because they always look incredible.

  7. All the shots are wonderful but my fav is the statue of children in the flowers

  8. And I meant to add, I love the statue surrounded by the Black-Eyed Susans, so very sweet :)

  9. Your phone takes great fotos! 💜 the black eyed Susan's. The pic of the bay is so pretty.... frame worthy. And, that pizza 🍕.... Yummy. Thanks for sharing! Happy weekend to you.

  10. Thank you for your great photos. I love the dragonfly photo. In my laguage it is a libelle. Great to see it so close to you.

  11. Hi Annie, always nice pictures. Pizza looks good but can't eat a lot of carbs anymore.


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