z Cottage by the Sea : Puerto Rico ..Devastated by Maria
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Puerto Rico ..Devastated by Maria

Please send whatever help you can to Puerto Rico.
Hurricane Maria devastated that part of the United States and yes, Puerto Ricans are our fellow citizens even though it is not a state, they are part of us.
They serve in the military, they are loyal and beautiful people and the island is wrecked!
They are in desperate need of food and water. They have no power and their argriculture is not as great as it should be anyway, so they need food shipped in.
I am told the airport is  destroyed and San Juan is a mess.
What with the filhty spoiled brats of the NFL taking up the news headlines people are forgetting that there are people out there in need of help.
Texas is still in need but they are receiving a lot of help I hear. But since Puerto Rico is not on the mainland people tend to forget.
Don't forget them. Send or give what you can.
And remember, one of the greatest gifts you can send are your daily prayers for people.

Here are some photos of Puerto Rico from better days this July when my family were there visiting dear friends:


  1. It breaks my heart to see the devastation Puerto Rico has suffered. Someone on the news said it has set them back 20-30 years. Praying for God's grace and mercy to cover the people and make them whole again.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this post Annie. I haven't stopped crying since Harvey! My heart and prayers go out to all in Puerto Rico. Living here in upstate NY it's hard to imagine all the devastation and suffering that so many have and are going through.

  3. Thank you for sharing such beautiful photos and this call for prayer. Have you been able to be in contact with your friend? Is she okay? I pray so.

    Have a blessed day.

  4. Thank you for your post and call for prayer .
    Would that we all had deep enough pockets
    to financially aid all those in need !
    Prayers for His mercy and healing for those
    affected by disaster is mighty currency , indeed .
    Hoping your friends in Puerto Rico are safe and well .

  5. Thank you for sharing this post today, Annie. Yes, we need to pray for and support the people of Puerto Rico. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for these folks to get back up and start over again. They need so much. Praying our country will reach out and do their part. I must confess, I've been in my own little world post Hurricane Irma, and haven't been as thoughtful for others as I should be. We were so blessed to get through that storm here so well...and yet it has left its scars. I can only imagine the scars in P.R. Praying for those dear people now.


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