Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Wednesday in My Part of the World

Wednesday is Betty from Photographing New Zealand's Wednesday Around the World linkup.
I am joining in and you really MUST go look at the photos from all over the beautiful world. They are truly wonderful!
Here  is my contribution on life on the  New Jersey Mid-Atlantic coastline  ...

my beach at sunset

 autumn trees at the marina

clear water

The marina: the cranes lift the boats out of the water for winter

Taking photos is something new to me really. But a relative said to me the other night, "Your face glows and lights up when  you are taking photographs. I've never seen you so happy."
It's true. I get to be outside which I adore more than anything.


  1. What gorgeous scenes from your part of the world! Thanks for joining in at Wednesday around the World.

  2. Beautiful... I think photography is another form of you expressing yourself just like your talent as an artist! I love it, too, although I'm very much an amateur! 💜

  3. I always, always enjoy your photographs, Annie. Always, always makes me smile. P.S. I just love your "Blinkies". smiles

    I trust that you are feeling better?

    1. Aww, thank you Linda. I appreciate that. I love blinkies too and missed having them on the blog, so I put them back up after years down.
      I am feeling much better but the bruising on my groin and hands is sore still. I am a hot purple mess.

  4. It's interesting how each kind of area draws a person-some to the mountains,some to desert or forest...then there are the water me! Your photos speak to that part and make me happy-thank you!
    Stay warm and well,my friend...

    1. Then there is me who loves all those areas and lived in each.
      Thats why I would probably love to live in New England because you get them all except desert.
      I love the scent of Maine.. the Balsam fir!

  5. You live close to a delightful beach Annie! I enjoyed your pictures and learning how boats are taken out of the water for the winter months. Beautiful colors in those trees! Glad you are enjoying a bit of color for the fall :) Snow has already settled in here... :)


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