z Cottage by the Sea : Reading
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


“A quarter past three," she exclaimed, catching sight of the bedside clock. "What a time to be drinking tea!"
"Anytime," Harold told her, "is time to be drinking tea.”
― Miss Read


  1. I love your lamp...do you know, I was so exhausted yesterday, I went to bed at 8 pm and slept a solid 10 hours. This recovery from surgery is for the birds, just saying, lol.

    1. Lamp: Walmart ;)
      Yup, I know about the exhausted part. I have become a surgery pro unfortunately.

  2. Oh my! Tea at 3 a.m.? Yikes. Praying for you as you try to rest. I understand this too.

  3. Smile. I love the text. But ... how are you?

  4. I do the same almost every morning (normal for me) Annie but my drink is coffee. I do know what what it's like not being able to sleep. Hoping you get more rest dear friend.

  5. Sounds like my nights on a regular basis though maybe for different reasons. Hope you can get some good sleep soon.


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