z Cottage by the Sea : Time and Photos..
 Cottage by the Sea

Life in a small cottage by the sea

Friday, December 29, 2017

Time and Photos..

A new year is coming and the old year seems to have hurried by so quickly.
I believe this perception of time is due to the more leisurely life styles that people live today.  We have less to do during a day and many more labor saving devices but they actually change our perception of time.  Fast foods, quick service, instant gratification all serve to shorten your perception of the length of time.
painting by Penny Parker

When you do dishes by hand, hang out the laundry, and create all parts of a meal from scratch the day goes slower and you feel as if you have accomplished more.

I am glad I have a gas dryer right now, however, as it is 6° F or -14°C outside and hanging laundry in the freezing cold is not my idea of fun in any sense of the word! Before I had a dryer I would hang things inside in the cold..what a mess that was. Ugh.

I am joining with Debbie for Friday Foto Friends. If you'd like to join in sign up and get going. You will be glad you did. You don't need a lot of pictures.
My photos this week are all taken in Utah where I lived for a good part of my life.

Temple Square Salt Lake City

Established in the 1860's the ZCMI or Zion's Cooperative Mercantile Institute was my favorite place to shop.  It is now bought out by Macy's.

The Great Salt Lake. It feels slimey. When you get wet in it your clothing will stand up like concrete when it dries.
No fish, just brine shrimp in it. The island is Buffalo Island, home to herds of bison.
The lake is 1,700 square miles in area and part of the huge Lake Bonneville that once stretched all the way to California.
I am surprised that so many people have no idea where Utah is. It is bordered on the north by Wyoming and Idaho, it is west of Colorado, east of Nevada, north of Arizona and New Mexico.

I hope you enjoyed these pictures. They are all taken with a phone.

Keep warm in this deep freeze!


  1. Beautiful photos of Utah Annie. I had no idea you lived there. I thought Jersey was your born and raised home. Right now it's -2 degrees here in my area. I hate this cold and worry and pray about the homeless. Keep warm and safe dear friend.

    1. Yup Toni, I was born and raised in New Jersey. A real Jersey Girl but I lived for a long time in Utah. :)
      This weather is hard on the homeless but God does provide and I am amazed how they cope. They do need our prayers.

  2. Beautiful photos, I know where Utah is, wink, smiles. Its currently 3* and expecting 3-6 inches of fresh snow.

    I hope you have a beautiful day by sea, my friend. I bet that salt air feels good/clean, albeit, pretty cold.

  3. Enjoyed your photo's. That waterfall is amazing!

  4. Beautiful pictures! My sister lives in Park City UT. Her and her family love it out there and they have been there for about 16 years now. I went out to visit them a couple of years ago. It's a different kind of cold. Not the damp biting cold that we have here in Missouri.
    Hope you have a Very Happy New Year!!!

  5. Lovely header !
    I am so very glad to be inside reading your blog on my little 'puter.
    Was out today and the wind by the ocean was strong and biting...brrrrr...
    Be warm and well,my friend !

  6. Ja erg leuk! Yes, very nice (your photos). What an amazing area!

  7. Oh, goodness, our second grandson would love to go to an island full of bison... I crocheted him one a few years ago! And, I'm very grateful for my electric clothes dryer! Thanks for sharing the great fotos! Happy New Year to you, sweet Lady!

  8. You took some terrific photos with a phone. I didn't know you grew up in or spent a lot of years in Utah, a state I've never been to but seen a lot of on television. I think I would love the countryside there. It must be quite the change though to go from Utah to the seaside at NJ.

    I have an electric clothes dryer now but as a child we hung our clothing outside come winter, spring, summer or fall. In winter the clothes freeze dry rather quickly but I don't want to go back to doing that :-)


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